Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

I got it. I understood why he was mad. I would've been upset too. First period gave me time to come to terms with what I already knew. He had every right to say what he said and feel how he felt. My pride just wouldn't let me admit that to him.

I half expected him to be his laid back, easygoing self. That side of him probably would've forgave me in a heartbeat. I sighed when I realized I wrote down what I was thinking instead of what the teacher was saying and decided to put him out of my head for the time being.

The bell rang. Still wrapped up in my thoughts, I absentmindedly shoved my things into my backpack and slung it over my shoulder. I'm sure I looked like a robot going through its everyday motions. I was headed to Spanish class. I hadn't spoken to Mario since our date Saturday night. It was at that moment I thanked God I didn't have any classes with Chris that semester. Imagine the tension if he, Mario, and I were in the same room. I groaned and all the anger I felt towards Trey rushed through my veins again.

The ringing of my phone snapped me out of my thoughts. I forgot to put it on vibrate. I didn't usually have to, no one would call me while I was at school. I noticed it was momma and answered.


"Risha baby, why is it so loud?" Ironically, she was the loud one. I had to pull the phone away from my ear, she must've had her headphones in.

"I'm on my way to class," I answered

"Why you answerin' your phone at school?" She asked when she finally put two and two together.

I laughed and shook my head. "You're calling me while I'm at school. I thought it was important."

"I'm on my way there. Remember when I told you Nicole's husband had a friend that was a therapist? Well, he said we could come see him today."

My heart dropped. "Today?" I asked in disbelief.

It was so short notice. Though she mentioned it, I never actually planned on going to a therapist. I kind of hoped he had some outrageous price she refused to pay, or that she'd forget about it. Today? That's crazy.

"Yes, ma'am. He's going on a vacation with his family soon and his schedule is booked, but he filled me in as a favor to Nikki's husband." I could hear her parking the car outside. I heard the slam of the door and the beep, beep sound the car made when she locked it.

I sighed. "I'm at school momma." I was standing at the door of the class, but waited for the late bell to ring before I hung up and went in.

"You better be, I saw you leave this morning," she joked.

The bell rang. "Momma I gotta go. See you, I guess." I took slow, even steps into the classroom and headed to my seat. I sighed. What the hell was I going to do? What was I going to say when I got there?

"Hey, you ok?" I looked over to my right and processed Mario's question. I didn't even notice him sitting there. He was leaned back into his chair, arms crossed and eyes fixed intensely on me. "Risha?"

"What? Yeah, I'm ok." I shifted my attention to the front of the classroom for a split second before snapping it back to Mario. "What the hell, are you ok?" I grabbed his hand on impulse and examined it. His knuckles were bruised and swollen, but he didn't even flinch when I brushed my thumb over them. I looked up when he didn't answer and saw an amused look on his face. "What?"

He shrugged. "You seem concerned."

"Well, you were with my ribs, so what happened?"

"Karisha y Mario?" Mario laughed when he heard our names being called. I quickly dropped his hand and rolled my eyes.

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