Chapter Three

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By the time the alarm clock rang, I was still awake. My eyes were heavy with sleep, but they were swollen to the point where it hurt to close them, but I'd rather be deprived of sleep than to deal with the pain and more nightmares. Damn, all that time I spent training with Jordan, all the physical stuff. I wasn't prepared emotionally. I was weak in that department. Especially when it came down to those I loved.

I managed to get up. To take a shower and get dressed. I even rode the school bus to school. I was dressed in some white shorts, a white and black checkered belt and matching shoes, a white tank top, and a black beanie. I even threw on some black shades to avoid the investigations people would do when they took in the image of my eyes.

As soon as I got off the bus, Chris immediately spotted me. I saw the shock that was written on his face. I released a gasp and turned my back to him, oblivious to the fact that my shades were on.

"You caught the school bus?" He asked in a voice filled with disbelief. I released another quick gasp and turned to face him. I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. "What's up with the shades?"

"I didn't get enough sleep. The size of my bags is ridiculous." I fabricated the truth a little. There were bags under my eyes, but I actually got no sleep.

"They can't be that bad. Come on, I'll accept you," he joked. He reached over, but I stepped back. I staggered a little, but he caught me.

"Be careful, ma." I didn't have enough strength to pull away so I leaned on him for support on our way to class.

I started feeling guilty for having Chris do most of the work on the project while I dozed off on his shoulder. I slept a dreamless sleep. As I slept, I began regaining my focus on the things around me. That's when the room's temperature hit me. The shivers shot up my back as I gripped on his arm in search of the warmth his body usually had. Before I knew it, he slipped off his jacket and wrapped it around me. I would've thanked him but I was afraid of biting my tongue due to the chattering of my teeth.

I woke up abruptly when the realization of where I was sunk in. I scanned the room in confusion. I was no longer in first block. I had no recollection of walking here and I would have surely felt the movements of Chris carrying me. I looked over at him.

"How'd I--" I began, but he cut me off.

"I didn't want to wake you," he replied to my obvious question. His voice was casual with a hint of concern.

"I could've walked," I assured him.

"You said yourself you got no sleep," he pointed out.

"But you didn't have to carry me. We're are school; that's weird. I could have walked. I would have walked," I debated.

"Please just, just stop lying. I ain't dumb. You were barely able to walk to class and let's not mention how you couldn't even keep your eyes open. And..." He trailed off, then gulped and looked away.

"And what, Chris? What?" I questioned.

"Your shades came off," he hesitated. I held my breath as he continued. "What was you doin', cryin' all night? Damn, ma, I told you no crying when I'm not around."

I managed to exhale my held breath. Who was he to tell me what I could do when he was or wasn't around?

"What would you being there change? How would things be any different Chris?" I asked.

"For one, you wouldn't have those ugly ass bags." He crossed his arms over his chest as he answered bluntly. I frowned at his comment. "I didn't mean it like that, ma. I ain't even gon' lie, them bags is ugly. But you, man you far from it." I watched him for a minute and that's when I noticed it, the concern written on his face. The worry lines on his forehead.

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