Chapter Twenty Six

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When I woke up the next morning, I was disappointed that he wasn't there, but it was for the best. I'd hate for momma and Jordan to walk in on us. Stretching my body and turning from side to side, I noticed a small note on my pillow. I picked it up and read it.

I love yucca too <3

I smiled down on it.

Chapter Twenty Six

After calling Mario multiple times, only to have my calls go to voicemail, I decided to go pay him a visit because something about that morning wasn't sitting well me.

I slowly brought my hand up to the door and rapped on it lightly. I didn't know what was going on, but something felt off. I needed more of a sign. At least when a black crow flies, you know death is near. When grey clouds fill the sky you can be certain of rain. What the hell did the anxious feeling inside of me mean?

"Bout time you made it here. I'm done packing and I'm probably leaving soon." My ears picked up Mario's voice before he came into my line of vision.

I wiped my palms on my jean shorts and let out a shaky breath. He opened the door with a wide smile that quickly fell when he saw me.

"Going somewhere?" I asked with a raised brow, my voice stronger than I felt. His wide eyes darted behind me before returning to my face.

"I- Risha."

"You go mia for a week, show up at my doorstep late at night, then the next morning I find you packing your things. How long did you plan on going missing this time? Were you even gonna tell me?" I was so nervous on my way there. I thought I would've been tripping over my words and his smile would've turned me into putty in his hands, but the dumb look he sported did nothing but catalyze my anger.

He sighed and looked me square in the eyes. "No."

My heart dropped. No, no. My ego dropped and drilled a hole that my heart dropped into. Did I want him to lie to me? No. But shit, he could've looked away and made it seem like it was hard to answer. I wouldn't have cared if he stared at me long enough to build up some fake tears before answering. At least then I could've gone home and told myself otherwise.

As soon as I felt the tears brimming in my eyes, I swiftly turned and took a step forward. So much for my damn anger.

"Risha," Mario started in a pained voice. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to him, pressing my back against his chest.

"Leave me alone Mario. You don't have to chase after me because I'm not mad. I'm fucking hurt, but....apparently I wasn't shit to begin with..." I tilted my head back and tried to keep my tears from falling.

I refuse to cry. I refuse to cry. I refuse to cry. I chanted it over and over in my head like a mantra. If that mind over matter thing actually worked, I really needed it to start kicking in. I scrunched up my nose and stopped breathing because I didn't want to smell that citrus smell I grew so accustomed to. I didn't want to be in his arms. I just wanted to go home and borrow momma's niggas ain't shit and I'm heartbroken CD mix.

It was crazy how well we knew each other. As if he read my mind, he pulled me even closer to him and held me even tighter.

"Fuck," he sighed. "Risha let me explain. None of this, none of this went like I planned. I wasn't gonna go see you last night, but I stopped thinking with my head and before I knew it, I was at your place. I didn't want you to know that I was leaving. I admit it. I wasn't gonna call you. I wasn't gonna see you. I was-"

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