Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter Twenty Five

A light chuckle escaped my lips. What started off slow and airy quickly turned into a stream of loud, heavy cackles.

"You're out your mind," I said through my laughter. That had to be it. There was no way-that nigga was crazy. "Why the hell would I play something like that with you? Do I look like I've got a death wish, how stupid do you think I am? You fake ass wannabe grim reaper!" Hot blood was rushing through my veins as anger completely took over me.

A sly smirk played on his lips as he reached into his waistband and pulled out a revolver. His eyes met mine, and as much as I didn't want to admit it, as strong as I tried to be, the coldness in them chilled me to the core.

"I've got a bullet in one of the chambers. I'll give you a head start. We gon' play for," he pulled out his pone and checked the time," about an hour. Every time I spot you I'm gon' pull the trigger."

I didn't say anything. I didn't breathe. I didn't move. The only things on me that were moving were my eyebrows. They illustrated my confusion so well, the way they'd knit, then raise because I wasn't sure how to react to the situation.

He took one step forward and aimed his gun. "One, two, Trey is coming for you," he sang as he took another step. "Three, four... so you not gon' try to get away?" he asked with a raised brow. He tsked and with a shake of his head, he pulled the trigger.

My eyes bulged and my heart stopped. It felt like the wind was knocked out of me, though nothing really happened physically. This nigga is crazy, I thought.

"Five, six," he continued like nothing at all had happened.

When my heart rate picked back up and I regained control over my body, I picked my legs up and hauled my ass out of there. I was no stranger to running. I ran all the time with Jordan and often ran by myself, but there was something about running for your life. The adrenaline that was pumping through my body was unlike anything I'd ever felt.

Fight or flight wasn't even a question. My body picked flight before my mind even knew what was happening. Fuck, I should've worn a bra. My breast weren't the biggest, they were B-cups, but they were still an unnecessary distraction, bouncing like an addict's leg during withdrawals. He pulled the trigger once. How many bullets can a revolver hold again? If I put a large enough distance between us, there's no way he'll catch up.

The only sounds that filled my ears were the thudding of my heart and the pounding of my feet. I was supposed to be aware and attentive of my surroundings, but there was no way I could do that. My breathing grew more labored with each step I took and I could feel myself slowing down. To say I was frustrated would be an understatement. I forgot how crippling fear could be. I hadn't found myself that afraid since.... Where the hell am I?

I stopped to quickly scan the area. I wasn't good with directions and street names. I was one of those people that would say, turn by the Ross, or, go straight until you see the blue building and make a left at the Rent-A-Center.

The area felt familiar, but I couldn't remember if I'd been there or not. I J walked across the street and walked into the Burger King. My chest felt like it was on fire and my legs were itching because I had on black skinny jeans and was running around in 90 degree weather.

"Can I have a water cup please?" I asked the cashier.

She cut her eyes at me and smacked her lips. "Here. You bet not fill it with soda either." Them big ass lashes she had on, I wanted to tell her to use them to fly away and leave me alone, but instead, I flashed her a smile and took the cup. I hated people with stank attitudes. That's why I wouldn't tell her, her tracks were showing.

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