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I woke up in the morning to find Edwards arms were no longer embracing me, somehow I knew that this would be the case, but knowing the fact and facing it are two completely different things. My eyes were dried out, there was no sign of any tears being shed. I was numb. But some how I knew that this was better then feeling the agony of the truth, the ripping whole that was now a piece of my soul.

So instead of weeping, in self pity, I picked myself up on my own two feet and found the will to get ready for my day. I walked over to my dresser. I will not be quiet anymore. I will stand out. Edwards leaving had changed me. So instead of wearing a pair of boring jeans and a plated button-up shirt like I usually did, I wore a dark green short skirt with leg buckles and knee socks a crop top with shoulder less sleeves that zips down the middle with a chain hanging off of it. A chain necklace and a choker with a pendent.

After I put on my skirt started putting my belt through the loops but when I was about to buckle it something stopped me. Have I gained weight?! I try pulling it tighter but it won't budge. So I roll down my skirt a bit exposing my stomach and walk over to the mirror in my room.

And there it was, the slightly noticable bulge in my stomach growing in between my hips. It felt hard and firm, and I'm pretty sure if I was just gaining normal belly fat it wouldn't feel this way. And suddenly as if on cue, I cup my hand on my mouth and run to the bathroom puking violently, which is strange because I haven't even ate much. I get up and walk back to my room and shut the door.

Then it hits me put of no where and I mean NO where. I'm pregnant.

I never knew much about pregnancies, let alone a vampire pregnancy, as far as I was concerned it wasn't possible, but here I am with a little voice in my head saying that I AM pregnant. Then I felt very noticable kick in the side of my belly confirming my suspicion. There is definitely something inside me, or should I say someone..

Then I felt a harder kick and I grabbed ahold of my stomach. "Ah! Ookaay, we're gonna be nice to mommy now?" I say as I grip the bedframe and gently lower myself to the bed but not quite sitting down, more in a state of shock and preparing for the next painful kick. Then I realized; I can't stay here! I need to leave! And find help! Because I sure as hell know charlie can't help me in this situation.

The denali's! They're like family to the Cullens! They would for sure help me! We met before and they even helped us out with James.

(In my story they met before and they were on the hunt, so no hate)

Carmen basically adores me as for Kate and Tanya they're good friends, Eleazar has respect for me but I'm not sure how deep our relationship goes. But for some reason Irena dislikes me.

I whip out my phone and dial there house phone number, it ring and rings untill someone picks it up.

"Hello?" I recognize Kate's voice

"Kate, hey, I need help" I say trying to keep my voice steady

"Bella? What's wrong?"

"I don't know what to do and Edwards gone" I choke back a sob

"Edwards gone? All of them too?"

"Yes, could I maybe come stay with you guys for a bit, I'm in deep trouble"

"Is it dangerous?"

"I don't know? Let's just say I can't be seen by charlie anymore"

"Have you... Been turned?"

"Something along those lines"

There's silence at Kate's almost confused pause.

"Alright, can you sit tight? We'll come and get you"

"Thank you, please hurry" I say then the other end goes silent

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