(18) it's just a little.... blood

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"those girls were nice don't you think?" Rose exclaimed, being her peppy self, she leans against the locker beside mine with ness standing awkwardly by her side as she tries to converse with our sister, I just nod at her words.

I slam my locker and Rosie stands up straight, I look down at my schedule in hand, to see our next class; biology! Great! I don't even bother to say anything as I pick my head back up and start walking to class, my sister's follow behind me.


I walk into class with a group of students as they start to fill the class Rosie prances off to find a seat with Nessie dragging her feet behind her my eyes land on my father, as I slump into a seat Infront of my sister's. Just as the teacher starts to explain the lesson mother walks in and takes a seat beside me.

Y: a little late running those errands eh mom?

She acknowledges me but doesn't respond.

"As some of you may know the hospital is having a blood drive soon and today we are going to find out our blood types incase any of you would like to donate" the teacher explains.

I shoot up in my seat twords the front of the class, I can feel mom tense beside me and I look to the left of Me at the table across wear Edwards sitting and his eyes have gone wide. Apparently he didn't get the memo either.

The teacher goes around the class and so far only a few of the students pricked their fingers. Edward sits leaning against the table his right fist cleanched and head leaning on the left, but he doesn't seem to be going through as much pain as me and my mother are. Mom hasn't moved from her position from when the teacher explained the lesson, she's as straight as a pencil and I can see it in her eyes that she's really holding back because they basically went blood shot. Me on the other hand am leaning over the table running my hands through my hair and holding my stomach probably looking a slight shade of green, the crave of the blood was way to overwhelming I thought I was going to be sick, and great! Now I'm having dizzy spells.

Behind me Ness looks a similar shade of green, but she mostly just looks hungry, Rosie is side glancing her looking nervous as hell, and worried for her sister, I could see the bead of sweat hanging onto her forehead. Edward seems to have regaind his composer and is looking at us not really suspicious this time but more like something is not quite clicking, he just keeps looking questioningly at our very fumbled, tense, and green composers.

And then the teachers come around to me and moms desk.

"Finger?" She says holding out her hand

I grimace and pull away.

"No, I'm good, I um I already know my blood type" I mean I don't but what else was I supposed to say?! That all basing on the fact that I have no blood.

My mom says the same thing as I do but in a more calming and cautious way.

But then another waft of the red liquid hits my nose and I keel forward, all of the supplies from the three desks ahead of me go flying off the tables. Dang powers!

Mother rests a gentle hand on mine. Then suddenly I feel Rosie flinch from behind me and all things that were glass in this room shadered.

All four of us shoot out of are seats at the same time. The teacher stands right Infront of my pale face wondering what the hell is going on; she looks terrified.

"Miss, Mason may we be excused, we're not feeling well" I say

She looks at us shocked "all of you?"

We nod our heads

"Okay, I'll ask you to escort eachother to the nurses office"

And then we all bolt out of the room as fast as we can.... But at human speed, you know?

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