(20) the truth

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Y/n's POV:

Few! Okay I'm just gonna come out and say it. So a couple seconds later of awkward silence and be becoming more and more flustered, I blurt out really loudly.

"We're Vampires!!"

Few, glad to get that off my chest. The Cullen's look at us with shocked and confused faces, and I hear Rose face palm by the sound of the palm of her hand coming in contact with her forehead making a slapping noise. I look over my shoulder briefly, to see Nessie who was standing by Rose's side face was scrunched up at the sudden confession that I had just spilled. While Rose was holding her face in her hands in disappointment.
Mom stood beside me with an expressionless face either not sure what to make of the situation or... Yeah I got nothing.

The tension in the room was so tight you could basically feel it, we all stood there for a good three minutes in dead silence before anyone spoke another word.


Edward said shifting in his seat to stand up, no words followed after, it sounded as much a statement as it was a question.

This time Rose steps up and starts explaining, unraveling the tension I have just created. Even in this awkward situation Rosie seemed to still be as peppy expressive as she always was, so that's why as you see her waving her hands around expressively while she speaks her puffy ringlets bounce up and and down from her shoulders. But of course Rose didn't even know the full story so no, she didn't know she was talking to her father. We only knew so much about our life story, you could hear it right in her innocent little pixie voice that really annoys me sometimes.

"So, you see, our dad is a vampire and our mom was a human, our dad left our mom after about a year and a half of there relationship, he didn't tell her why and he didn't know she was pregnant with us at the time, so our mom went to live with couple of close friend and family members, and she basically raised us herself with the help of our god parents, before our mother gave birth to us she was turned, and she should have miscarried, but she didn't, instead we became vampire hybrids, but like, not normal hybrids, I'd say it's the farthest thing from normal I'd say it's... Abnormal..."

Rosie trails off, and I give a huff of frustration, then the big burley dude, Emmett, I noticed has not so subtly been side glancing at Nessie through rose's whole rant I give him a subtle look, and he finally nods his head over at her.

"And what about her?"

Suddenly all the eyes in the room turn to him than to us for an answer.

"Oh, Renesmee? She doesn't talk much" rose gives a short but nervous giggle

But right at that moment I realize Edwards been staring at me this whole time, kinda creepy not gonna lie.

"All of you? Like- w-who's your mother"

Edward says directing the question twords Rosie but staring absentmindedly into my soul as I slowly cringe away.

"Oh!" She looks at mom and smiles her usual obvious smile "she's our mother" she let's out a breath-ly laugh as she rocks forward onto the balls of her feet and softly bounces back onto her heel, giving off that pixie energy, once again her afro like hair bouncing a top her shoulders.

Quite a few eyes in the room turn twords our mother who is standing awkwardly looking at the floor not quite know what to say, and you could see that geer in each one of there heads that's not quite clicking.

"I... Did not understand.."

Surly all of them are wondering this exact question but Alice the only one we pay notice to, poor Alice's seid isn't working and she's more confused than ever.

Renesmee looks twords me and I nod, she starts walking twords Alice, you can see the look of confusion and shock on everyone's face do to the fact of them trying poorly to act casual.

She walks twords the couch Alice is sitting on and sits beside her, Alice looks into her chocolate brown eyes quite literally dumbfounded. Ness takes one of Alice's hands in her own and Alice's eyes go blank for a second into space, we all can feel Edward trying to break through the shield but we pay no attention to it, and it's not as if we're blocking him out on purpose it's just something we do on instinct, absentmindedly. I pay little to no attention to the fact as jasper leans back in his plush seat and smirks smugly.

As soon as Alice comes back to reality her head whips in my direction so fast that it should have been separated from her shoulders, and a wave pool of emotion washes over her face briefly; relief? Horror? Shock? Realization? Curiosity? Love? Confusion? You could visibly see the change in the atmosphere make jasper shift uncomfortablely.


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