(6) crossing the border

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(sorry, an currently fixing the chapters)

When we Got close to the border we handed the car over to the friendly vampires thanking them for letting them borrow it. Eleazar grabbed my two bags and Tanya picked me up.

"Wow, you're as light as a feather!" She exclaimed

Then we took off into the forest. And honestly I don't know how long we've been running but it is really dark out now, of course they can still see but I'm lucky that I brought a flashlight. We stop to take breaks occasionally but only for my benefit because they really don't need breaks. Kate and Tanya switched off at some point during our journey.

We stop and Kate puts me down.

"She's getting cold" she says, and its true, the farther we head north and the longer I stay in a vampires embrace I'm bound to get cold

"I'm fine" I say shaking it off anyway

"Here, sweety" Carmen takes off her winter coat that she doesn't need and hands it to me.

I thankfully accept the coat, and Tanya and Kate switch off again, and Tanya takes off along with everyone else. I didn't even realize I had drifted to sleep, when I woke up it was daylight again and I look up to see Carmen carrying me. I had gotten quite used to vampire speed after all the runs with Edward so ignoring that everything that past by me was a blur I lifted my arm slightly to see my watch, it was currently 9:13 AM. I slept about six hours.

When Carmen notices I'm awake we all stop and take a break.

"Bella, Eleazar is going to stay with you while we hunt, okay?" Carmen says

I was about to nod when a strong, delicious, mouthwatering scent caught my nose.

"Bella?" Kate says

"What- what is that smell?" I say as I continue to smell the air "it's an elk, is it not?"

They all flash me shocked faces.

"You can smell the animals near by?" Carmen asks

"Their blood" I say my mouth watering like crazy

"Perhaps it's cravings" Eleazar says

"Don't worry bella we'll be back" Kate says the Tanya flashes me a wink.

The three women take off and are gone hunting for awhile untill we see Tanya and Kate come back from there hunt with golden eyes, carrying an elk and set it down on the ground

"How did you kill it?" Eleazar asks

"Just ripped out it's pulse and electrocuted it" Kate said

"Go ahead bella right on his neck should be fine, I got a pocket knife if you need it" Tanya says

Carmen comes back "give her some space, she's never drank from and animal before"

But I was already leaning over it basically drooling, I flipped it over to the clean side of his neck.

They all gasp at the thud the elk makes as it hits back down on the forest floor, they all flinch back and look at Eleazar, he simply shrugs not quite knowing what to say or if it could possibly matter.

I don't feel like myself anymore, I'm not thinking straight all I can think about is sinking my teeth into this elk and that's exactly what I do. My teeth don't seem to be there normal human strength, they seem almost tough as metal, and all I can feel is my thirst for the animal fade as I slowly suck the blood out of the elk.

"She didn't even need the knife" Tanya says dumbfounded

I sit back on the rock I previously sat on against a tree. Kate walks over to the carcase and examines it.

"She's almost drained the whole thing!" She says astounded

"Well I don't think we were expecting this but obviously she has some.. abilities because of the pregnancy, could be symptoms, hormones, but they're coming from the baby" Eleazar says

"Babies" I correct him out of no where

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