(14) family reunion

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Half way there they all noticed me walking over nervously, for a second I'm second guessing my decisions, they all lean back against their cars and watch when I'm standing Infront of them I shift my backpack uncomfortably.

"Hi, umm" I look twords the doors to see if my family cwas there, cost was clear, I look back to the Cullens. "Look, my M- sister would be really mad if she knew I was over here, but I just wanted to get to know you guys, if that's okay?"

They all look to eachother and then when they're distracted someone pulls my arm away from the group stands behind a vehicle while looking at me eagerly. I realized it was the blonde dude.

"Look, I know who you are, I know bella and I know she's still alive." He says, still alive? Why wouldn't she be?

"I know he's my dad, and I know you're my uncle" I fire back at him "but question. How did you find out about us?"

"Seven years ago we went to visit the Denali's house; I saw your old bedroom"

So that's why we had to move, I never understood why. But now I know; this whole time, mom was just running from our father.

"Um, I'm Jasper by the way" he says

My eyes widen, how much else has mother kept from us?!

"Hey! That's my middle name!" I say

He looks sort of stunned, but smiles in gratitude to my mother I guess.

But before he can say anything else the Cullens call us back over.

"Hi, I'm Alice" that's Rosettes middle name, I guess we don't know that much about ourselves.

"That's Emmett" the pixie girl points to a big buf boy "that's Rosalie" she points to a mean looking but beautiful looking girl with blonde hair "that's jasper" she points to the blonde that I was having a conversation with just a second ago.

"And that's Edward" she points the the bronze haired one that was staring at my mother the other day, and I realize that's he has the same hair as Rosie, and with the help of my mother's prediction I can tell that he used to have green eyes, or more specifically my green eyes.

I stare deeply into my father's eyes and he stares back, into my soul. Not in a scary way, but more of a passionate way.

He hesitantly sticks out his hand; I can tell he doesn't shake hands much, probably because they're vampires, yeah, I know a vampire when I see one.

I shake his hand gently.

"Hi, I'm Robin" I say

"Robin, that's a nice name" he says

I sheepishly bite my lip, knowing it's not my real name.

That's when our minds connect.

E: Ugh, I still can't read her mind

Y: (gasp)

E: (looks at me wide eyed)

Y: oh my god, is he actually reading my mind? Why isn't the sheild working?

E: finally, wait what!?

Y: what!?

Then it closes up and we both stare at eachother with wide eyes. He knows I'm not normal, and now I know that, my powers only connect to my biological family. I feel jasper change his mood to dismissive. I silently thank him as Edward moves on.

"Well, I should be going, but have nice day" I say, I then go to join my sister's and mother as we walk to class. As we continue walking my sister's keep eyeing me suspiciously, but don't take their eyes off the paty Infront of them.

N: Where were you?

R: yeah don't think we didn't notice you were gone, your glad mom didn't notice.

Y: I had my self a little family reunion

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