(21) the search pt 1

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Which is what the word of the day should be 'cause I really just  wanna leave. I've never really been the one to handle conflict or emotions very well. Okay, deep breaths.

"Edward, it's me, bella" I say looking into his eyes

"Bella? How are you-"

"Alive? Well I'm obviously immortal now" I give a weak laugh

"Wait, how do you guys know eachother?" I hear my daughter say a couple feet away from me

Y/n sighs "Rose"

At this Rosalie perks up and looks confused.

"No I wanna know what's going on" Rosette started to raise her voice

"Okay okay, shhhh" I walk over to her and put my hands on her shoulders, she looks at me like she's about to cry, she cries when she gets angry, another thing she got from me.

*Y/n's  POV*

Edward looks twords me with a hurt expression, or maybe sad, it was hard to make out.

But i gave him a small sheepish wave

"Hi, dad"

"What!" Rosette shouted loudly

"Rosie" Ness said quietly with a sigh

Rose looks over at Renesmee with betrayed eyes, and she narrows them at her.


"You knew?" She screams furiously. Rose isn't happy all the time, as much as she makes it out to be that way. we've all been through some tough shit. Rose is a very emotional being, who also suffers from bipolar disorder, but she's my sister and I love very either way, life is just a little difficult sometimes and that's okay.

Next thing I know, she runs off out the door and into the darkness.

"Rose!" I scream after her. Other than being bipolar, Rosie suffers from other extreme mental problems. You know what they say, the ones with the brightest smile hides the most pain.

"No" mom says almost in a whisper, but all the Cullen's who have been watching the scene unfold all turn their eyes to her. A second later mom zooms out the door after Rosie at her vampire speed. Before not long after both me and Ness find ourselves in tears. I tug on Edwards sleeve and grip onto him in desperate need of support.

"Please! You have to help them! We need to find her, I can't lose her again!" My voice sobbing heavily and my eyes pleading with him

Nessie curls up into a ball in the corner, shaking like a leaf and crying. Carlisle zooms over to her and takes ahold of both her arms and helps her up. He looks to Edward who than looks down at me with determined eyes, for a second and only a second, do I let my shield down on my mind so he can see what I'm thinking, because the memory is too painful to put into words. I can't quite see the expression on his face do to my eyes being clouded by tears.

*Edwards POV*

I looked down at her with an almost pitiful look but I know that wasn't it, it was more sympathetic or sadness, after all seeing my own daughter do that to herself. I had to do something, I had to help her. That was why Bella ran after her.

Edward don't, she's not emotionally stable to go look for her sister.

Carlisle might have a point but I wouldn't let anything happen to Y/n, so instead of giving him an answer, at top speed, I trough her onto my back and I too zoom out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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