(15) twenty questions

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Once our first couple of periods are over, it's lunch time. I'm in line with my sister's waiting to get food, while my mother is already way ahead of us picking her fruits. I look to her nervously than to my sisters who look at me like they know somethings up, they would never tell on me for talking to the Cullens earlier, it's just not the kind of sisters we are. I take a small step out of line, thinking over my desision, they look at me like 'don't you dare' and that's exactly what they're thinking. But I do it anyway, I step out of the line and make my way over to the Cullens as Rosie and Ness try to call me back over before mom finds out. I walk straight to their table and sit down.

"Hey, I.. hope it's okay if I sit with you" kind of shrugging off the whole asking permission part.

They just look at eachother with a slight bit of surprise on their faces, I don't think they were expecting me to come back, I mean after all; they do think I'm an intimidated little human, and from what I picked up: they tend to stay away from the Cullens. But their harsh additude and stone cold expressions don't scare me. Maybe because I'm a vampire, though I was half human for five days of my existence, untill my mother got changed and it scrambled me and my sister's DNA codes, so instead of me and Rose becoming half and half, I inherited all the vampire gene, and she inherited all the human gene, but of course that didn't stop us from having wicked powers... I'm rambling aren't I? Sorry, I'll just continue.. where was I? Oh! Right, the Cullens.

A few of them nod their heads but then I catch an image of something in my head. It's mom's face, she's staring at me, no, glaring, her eyeballs look as if they'll pop out, she looks steaming, she. Is. Pissed. Then Rosettes mind closes up, and I'm too scared to turn around to meet my mother's glare, so instead I focus ahead of me and pretend that she's not glaring daggers into the back of my skull.

"So, how long have you guys lived here for?" Although I sorta know the answer, I'm genuinely curious.

"Ooh!! Yeah! Let's play twenty questions!" The big one says, Emmett? Yeah.

I look at him not entirely sure if that a good Idea, and the rest of them look a bit annoyed, Edward looks unsure, but I guess we all get to playing.

"Okay, but instead of just asking normal boring guesses, and picking out objects. Let's play where one person can ask the other any questions they want, and they have to answer honestly no matter what" he says. The Cullens look a be uncomfortable.

I chuckle nervously "Emmett, I don't think we'll have time to play that before lunch is over" I try to think of an excuse.

"Well then let's play after school! And you could bring your friends too" he says just before the bell rings

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