(9) impossible

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We all sat down, I slumped down into the couch feeling mentally exhausted as Tanya paces back and forth trying to think while in the midst of panicking, Eleazar sits anxiously while twiddling his fingers.

"How is this possible!? What even happened!? Why did you leave the house!?what are we gonna do with these groceries now!?" I snorted at her last question.

"Okay, Tanya calm down" Eleazar says "bella could you tell us what happened?"

"Well, I woke up and had a shower and got changed and headed downstairs and it was quieter then I should have expected. So I walked into the kitchen and found your notes, then I walked into the hallway and saw Eleazar's note on the door, I decided to go outside and take a walk so I put on a coat and boots and started walking, before I knew it, it was getting dark out so I decided I should start heading back, what I didn't know though was that I was being followed. I turned around and there he was, asked me what I was doing out here all alone, then he noticed my stomach, and was about to take my life, I tried to get away but he still caught ahold of my hand, I felt his teeth sink into me, though it hurt a little I kept running and strangely he didn't follow me, the bite wasn't as nearly as painful as last time I got bit, I was confused, but I kept running I could barely feel the fire of the venom, it felt like more of a tingle that spread through out my arms and my Legs and my vision became more clear which I thought was weird because it was getting really dark out and my run became more at ease before I knew it, I was at the clearing, pale skin and all."

They just all stared at me.

"But you should have miscarried" Eleazar says cautiously

"I know that!" I exclaimed "the change should have made me miscarry, because vampires can't have children, but I feel fine, and so do my babies, I actually feel better than ever"

They all gap at me.

Kate exhales deeply.

"Well, I guess we should get used to strange things happening from now on" Carmen says

"Huh, yeah" I chuckle


It's been about two weeks and things have been going great ignoring the fact that I'm as big as a house. Hunting trips are fun, but strangely I still crave human food, I shouldn't because I'm a vampire now, I'm guessing it has something to do with the babies. So I eat both food and drain as many animals as I can, I never knew being pregnant could be so exhausting.

But on the third of October, I know they're coming.

(T.W: CHILD BIRTH. if you're not comfortable, you can skip the rest of this chapter)

"Okay, Carmen just lay her down here" a frantic Kate says to an urgent looking Carmen as i go into labor. She places me down on an operating table. Kate has a doctor's degree so she will be delivering my babies. And just because I'm a vampire now doesn't mean I'm completely tolerant to this type of pain. I let out a very uncomfortable scream.

"I'm not gonna be able to cut her open" Kate says "guess we're doing it the old fashioned way"

She re-adjust's the hospital bed that they've gotten for this occasion. Twenty minutes later she checks under the sheet.

"She's almost completely dilated" Kate says to Carmen who's helping her "okay, in a few minutes I'm gonna need you to start pushing okay?"

I nod my head as another contraction hits. Tanya and Eleazar are sitting anxiously in the other room I can hear them gasp every time I scream. Kate lifts the sheet and positions herself Infront of my knees.

"Okay, bella on the count of three, push"

"One, two, three"

I push with all my might and even though I was uncomfortable, it was surprisingly easy. I guess it's because I'm not a fragile human anymore.

"Woah, okay! They're coming faster than I thought, I already see the head. Bella could you maybe try to push a little gentler" Kate says

I just realized how strong I was and that I should be more careful with my babies so I push more with ease and before I know it Kate's saying

"we have a girl!"

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