(11) little Cullen's

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"mommy!" Rosie shouts. We're playing hide and seek and she's right around the corner. They look the age of eleven now.

"Found you!" She says

"Aww, why do you always find me first?" Nessie says

"Suck it up, butter cup. Let's go find mommy and Y/n/n" Rosie whispers

I hear her creeping around the corner when all of a sudden she topples to the ground with her sister on top of her wearing a mischievous smirk.

"Y/n/n! Get off me" they both get up

"Must you do this every time?" Nessie says

"Yes. Yes, I must" she sticks her nose up in the air

"Oh, and by the way, found mom" Nessie says pointing to me standing Infront of her. The two girls whip their heads to face me with the biggest look of shock on their faces. I laugh.

"Nessie! Rosie! Dinner!" Tanya shouts from inside

"They're not gonna like that" I hear Kate say as she walks by the kitchen.

We all speed in to see asparagus, brussel sprouts, pork chops with melted cheese. Kate's right, the girls aren't a fan of their greens but if I were still human I think I'd be digging into that.

The girls sit down and grimace, but soon reluctantly eat the food, Y/n skips to the living room, and sits on the couch to play with the tablet, Carmen sits down with her. We already went hunting this morning. Then the phone starts ringing, Kate picks it up.

"Hello?" She asks, suddenly her face goes pale, but the only thing I can hear from the phone is mumbling, what the point of vampire hearing If you can't even listen in on a conversation?!

"Okay, yeah totally, sure" she puts the phone down, and looks to me. "It was Carlisle. They're coming here, to visit"

"All of them" I ask wide eyed

She nods

"Um, okay did they say when?" I ask

"They're on their way"

I speed upstairs and pack a few bags and rush back down stairs setting them near the kitchen island where the girls are already done eating, because they can tell they needed to hurry up just by my actions. Everyone else comes into the kitchen.

"Look, I hope you all know that I love you all and I appreciate everything you've done for us, but we can't stay here" I say

They nod in understanding. Carmen is the first to hug me then all the girls then Tanya.

"Uncle 'ezar" Rosie runs to give him a hug, and he looks at her sadly.

Kate gives me a sympathetic look. She throws a pear if car keys to me and I catch them.

"Take the Mercedes" she says the gives me a hug.

"Come on girls" I say grabbing
Y/n's hand and then we zoom off to the car, and I put them in their car seats and get in the front.

Mommy what's going on?

We have to leave hunny

Is it because daddy's coming?

I sigh, and rest my head on the steering wheel.

"Yes hunny" I say out loud to Renesmee. Before driving away.



we all run up to the Denali's house and the first thing I can hear is jaspers thoughts. The Denali's are sad and guilty, and angery. I try to listen to what they might be angery about but all I hear is Carmen singing a song in her head, Tanya counting to 100089, Kate focusing on cleaning the house, and Eleazar who is flipping through the tv channels. That's strange.


We walk into the house and we greet eachother, everyone goes to the living room, and while Alice is preoccupied with the conversation they are having, I bring our bags upstairs. The first thing I noticed was crayon on the door to a room, it looks like it's been tried to wash off, I scrunch my eye brows. I gently push the door open a creek at a time

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