"oh, my god! I need to fucking hunt" renesmee shouts, while I just sit down on the bench and continue to gag.
Rose just stands looking at us shyly next to our mother who is looking around the room thinking real hard.
All of a sudden she stops and says "that's it! We're telling him" as she starts walking out of the school
"WHAT?" We all are shell shocked at her words and we abruptly follow behind her like lost little ducklings.
"You heard me! We're telling your father!!"
Edwards POV:
As soon as the three girls left I imediatly followed behind them.
For a while I was aimlessly wandering around the halls estimating the direction they went in, which was odd considering my vampire senses. at last when I was about to round a corner I heard talking so I stopped abruptly to eavesdrop. I could easily see the back of the oldest one, at least I think she is, but her angle in which her body is faced tells me that she's facing the other three girls whom I cannot see do to the dividing wall.
"That's it, we're telling him" she says then starts walking down the hall twords the exit.
I loop the corner a bit more to see the girls getting up and following her.
"What!!??!" They all shout in usion
"You heard me, we're telling your father!"
And that was the last thing I heard before they disappeared thru the double doored exit.
I am so confused...
Y/n's POV:
It was currently six o'clock at night, and I was nervous so so nervous. Apparently we had to tell him today, and I don't think I'm ready... But I mean it had to happen at some point, we can't be living under fake names the rest of our lives hiding from our family.
The sun was just setting in the sky and here we were, walking up their front porch. Our mother seemed to be calm and graceful, but I really have a feeling that on the inside she's panicking just like us.
She rings the door bell and stands back, I tug on my hoodie and bite my nails nervously, while Rosie held onto Nessie's hand really tightly and ness looked like she was about to cry, she gets like that when she's overwhelmed.
Not even a minute later the door was answered by a pale faced man with blonde hair and he looked to be wearing a doctor's coat.
Was this my grandpa?
"Hello, Dr Cullen, um we're friends of your childrens at school, may we come in and chat?"
The man looked slightly surprised by our sudden arrival and request but soon enough let us in
"Well, if course, they're just in the living room, make your selves at home" he smiles warmly
He begins to walk away but mom grabs ahold of his arm gently and you couldn't miss the the shock in his face as he furrows his brows at the pale cold hand that had abruptly stopped him.
"Actually, Doctor, we were hoping to speak with the whole family if you wouldn't mind" it wasn't really a demand, more of an urgent request. Now he's nervous, you could see it in the way he eyed us all suspiciously.
"Of course, right this way"
We follow him into the living room where his whole family is already there awaiting our arrival, I could tell they were tense, they most likely heard our whole conversation and gathered in the living room.
"Mavis, Robin, Juliet, Jasmine, hi what are you doing here?" Alice greets us
Alright, something is definitely up. First how suspicious and weird they were acting at school, now they show up to my house and start talking to my family. I sit in my seat on the couch, Ridgid, and eyeing them curiously
"Um, well, you see Alice, you may not remember me but I remember you" Mavis says
Wait what?
Carlisle takes a seat beside Esme and the four girls continue to stand
"What do you mean?"Alice says in a small voice
Mavis shakes her head "doesn't matter, right now we came here to tell you the truth"
I look behind her to the other girls and I see Robin trying to turtle into her hoodie and her sisters being nervous behind her.
"These girls" Mavis points you them behind her back "are not my sister's"
Okay... Things just got even more confusing.
"And Mavis is not my real name, neither is jasmine or Robin or Juliet" she sighs in relief almost
"I know you've all had your suspicions about us and you had every right to, but I just want you to know that before I continue; we're not a threat, not to your family, not to this town. We come in peace" she laughs at herself, but stops and becomes serious once more
"Y/n?" She steps back and lightly pushes the girl forward
Y/n... So that's her real name, that is a pretty name.
Then something I remember hits me like a ton of bricks;
"Okay, I know this is a weird question but, if you ever had kids what would you name them?" She still had a smile on her face from recent laughter that commenced before she asked the question
I look into her chocolate brown eyes while I think, it was indeed a strange question, but it couldn't possibly beat all of the various strange questions I've already asked her.
So I pause and and take in an unneeded breath. I lay my head Infront of her crossed legs and keep my hands behind my head as she smiles down at me expectedly.
"If a had a daughter I think I'd name her.... Y/n... I've always liked that name"
Then before I knew it the memory that played in my head was over and I was back in the present
"Um... The reason why I was trying to get to know you guys is because I wanted to know my family"
I just sit here and listen with a blank mind yet somehow it's swarming with questions.
I see jasper give her a sympathetic yet knowing look, and now I'm confused as ever; what does sees jasper know?

Bella's Daughters
Fanfictionbella and Edward are happy and in love until after her eighteenth birthday when Edward leaves her. later she finds out she's pregnant. She goes to stay with the Denali's when one day out in the forest she was bit. But it wasn't as painful as it was...