(5) what happened

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"I'm feeling a maternal bond" Eleazar says. Eleazar has a gift for knowing people's relationships.

"It's just Carmen and Bella" Kate says

"No, not Carmen. Just bella...." He looks at the ground confused

That's when I pull up my hoodie with my right hand, it would not be noticable to the human eye or it would be passed as weight gain before they considered the possibility, but to the sharp eye of a vampire they'd put two and two together as they're doing now. They all gasp loudly.

"Bella" Carmen says softly

"This is huge news, but I still don't understand why this was such an emergency" Kate questions

"I'm only three days, that's why" I answer

They gasp again.

"But it looks like you're at least twelve, and your body doesn't even register the fact until the first week is over so there's no such thing as being three days pregnant" Tanya points out

"That's what I said. But he's Edwards child, meaning he's some sort of hybrid..." I say

"It's Edwards?" Tanya asks

I nod

"Are you sure? Because this should be impossible"

"I've never slept with anyone else besides Edward, honest" I say

"Hold on you already know the gender!?" Kate says

"No, well I just don't really want to call it "it"" I say

"Oh, okay" she calms down

"How, are you certain that you are pregnant?" Eleazar says

"You said it yourself that you felt the maternal bond of me and my baby. And besides that I've been getting all the symptoms, and I know this sounds like paranoia but a voice in my head told me that I am, and I know this is not paranoia because that's definitely not the first thing that would pop into my head, it's just not me, maybe every other teenage girl but not me. And it just hit me out of no where, that voice, it sounded so real, but it didn't sound like a voice at the same time.. it was weird...." I trail off, thinking of what happened

"Have you... Taken a test?" Kate says

"EIGHTEEN of them! Nothing showed, and when I say nothing I mean nothing no negative no positive" I cry out in confusion

While charlie was at work I drove out of town to a drug store where no one would know me and bought a bunch, I know you only needed like two or three but I wanted to be careful. And when I got home I took a plastic bag to put my garbage in, when I got to the bathroom and sat down I put four of them under, a little excessive I know but I wanted to be sure, fifteen minutes later they were still blank, I assumed them to be faulty but it was unlikely. I left the bathroom after washing my hands and went down to the kitchen to get some water, Charlie's going to be gone all day so I better drink up.

Thirteen tests later I was in utter shock and confusion, maybe it wasn't a good brand? I searched every search engine possible but nothing came up, I was left astounded, but I was tired so I slept until charlie got home.

"Well, that's- just... Wow" Kate was left astound

"Something you don't hear every day" Eleazar finished for kate

"Okay, come on I'll get your bags don't worry" Tanya says

"Did you guys drive here?" I ask

"Pfft, no that would have taken way too long" Kate says as we hope in the car "we ran here"

"But this looks so much like your car" I say

"Yeah, weird right, we borrowed it from a friend" she says



Tanya already put my two bags into the trunk, we all got in except for Eleazar who was going to drive my truck untill we got out of the state and leave it in a junk yard, to not raise suspicion.

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