(4) I'm leaving

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That night I decided to stay in my room, I didn't want to be around anyone, especially not charlie. Mostly because it's only been three days but I already look twelve weeks pregnant. I've packed most of my stuff already because being vampires, I don't really know when the Denali's will come. They could be here any second.

I hear a beep from my phone and I pull it out; it's a text from Carmen

{we're almost there, bella, do you think we can meet up at the Cullens old place?}

I text back as fast as I can

{Yeah, I'll head off right now if you want}

{Great} she replies

I rush downstairs as quick as I can, charlie is watching TV.

"Dad, I have to go" I say in a rush

"What? Why? Where?" He stops watching tv and is taken slightly aback by my urgency

"I just- I have to leave, there's too many painfully memories here" I says trying to make an excuse

"Look, bella I heard that the Cullens left, and I'm sorry but that doesn't mean you can't have a happy life here, you don't have to go bella" he pleads

"No, I'm leaving and I'm not coming back. Don't bother looking for me, I'm eighteen now I'm legally an adult, I'll do fine on my own" I force the hurtful words out of my mouth

"You can't leave, I won't let you" he tries

"Like I said, I'm an adult now, you can't control my life anymore. I think it's time I live on my own" I say as I slip out the door the same time a single tear slips out of my eye.

I make my way over to my truck and start it. I start driving down the highway down to the Cullens place.

It was for his own good, but I still can't help but feel slightly heart broken at the hurtful things I had said to my father. I'll never see him again so it doesn't matter. But for that fact it does, I really need to worry about my emotions instead of worrying about everyone else's. Im already unstable enough as it is, but I bunch up all my emotions like a pack of markers tied up with an elastic band, and the second I let out a tear or a sob, all hell will break lose. So I prefer to stay numb, but I just don't know if It'll ever get better.

Before I knew it I was in the Cullens drive way, but I stop there. I cannot bare to see the empty house that once belonged to my family and the live of my life. So instead I wait in my car in silence, I close my eyes and lean back against my seat with my hands behind my head letting numb tears to slowly fall. Numb tears were fine. Numb tears were okay, blissful even, numb tears feel like small weights being lifted off my heart.

I smile painfully in the bliss, this numb bliss is sweet it's peaceful, after all the exhausting harsh, painful emotions this day has put me through, I could fall asleep right here right now and not even have to think of it. This numb bliss that feels like heaven, that feels like I'm flouting in the clouds instead of on earth in this reality where the pain lies and as I feel my self drift off I hear the sound of tires on gravel behind me.

I sit up in my seat and look it the rear view mirror, it looks like silver Mercedes, yup that's the Denali's. I jump out of my car the same time the coven does. Carmen rushes over to me, gives me a hug and starts checking me for injuries. She sighs in relief.

"What happened sweet bella?" She asks anxiously

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