(12) children

978 29 2

, the room looked pretty empty, like it was cleared out in a rush, but why, I try to block my thoughts from Edward, and I think it's working because he hasn't come up here yet. I see a couple crayons on the floor. I walk over to the big walk in closet but step on something; a stuffed bear. Weird. I open the closet, to see piles after piles of childrens toys, and three dismantled beds with three medium sized matrices. I walk back out and to the door I close it to see a piece of paper taped to it with a drawing of a heart, it said:

Rosette Renesmee Y/n

It did not look like a child's writing, far too skilled, but it was written in crayon. I ripped the picture down and ran downstairs to the kitchen where Kate and Tanya were.

"What is this?" I ask holding up the paper. I know they know I saw the rest of the stuff too.

Their eyes wide and guilty expressions on their faces. I'm not leaving with out and answer and by the expression I'm wearing; I think they know that.

I walk behind them and open there fridge to reveal a bunch of snacks and food, confirming my suspicions; a child's been here, or should I say, three.

I turn to them and see them watching me with anxious expressions.


Tanya mouths out one word that makes my jaw drop.


I close the fridge and go sit down with everyone else acting as if everything is fine, Edward gives me a weird look, as I avoid eye contact, he's suspicious but shortly later gets over it.







"Ha ha, catch me if you can sucker" I jump through the trees as me and my sister's play tag, mom says it's foolish, but it's the only thing we have to do for fun, in other words; life us boring.

I here Nessie grunt then I feel a tap on my back, dang it, I never lose. But I laugh anyway as Rosie joins us. We all sit high up in the crook of the tree, while mom relaxes on the ground near by.

"Girls you're seventeen now, act like it" Rosie mocks our mother

"But she doesn't get it does she?" Nessie says

"We're only technically, seven" I finish

We all laugh again as I hear our mother sigh in annoyance.

"Girls! Time to go back!" She calls

We all get down from the tree and zoom off to our cottage. It's nice, big, big enough for a human, small enough some vampires, of course we had to get things like heating and electricity, because of Ness and Rose, mostly rose. It's made out of logs has a cute little porch, open cozy living room, a kitchenette, bathroom, and three bedrooms. Me and Rose have to share a bedroom while Nessie gets her own, I never understood why, but it's not fare, maybe it's because I don't sleep. Well, mom doesn't either so I don't see why I can't have my own room. But whatever, mom says we're moving soon! So that's a start!

Just before sun rise, mom comes out of her room and starts making bacon and eggs, while I am on the couch reading a book when I notice her.

"Isabella!" I gasp jokingly

"Don't call me that" she laughs

I stop "I never get it why you spoil them so much, I mean can't they have a bowl of... Cereal? Yeah, cereal" I say being a vampire my whole life and not knowing what cereal is

"Because, I know I used to like this when I was human, and I want to give them the most normal life possible" she sets the plates down. I role my eyes.

"So we're moving to forks in a couple of days" I says

She leans on the counter and puts her head. She takes a big breath, "yeah"

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