And There She Was

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As head of security I have never witnessed what I saw tonight. We still don't know who left what they think is a gift for Mr Grey. The Lobby staff have called about a package left at the desk that needs signed for by mr Grey and it is fairly big. I go down and we need to have it scanned. I see what appears to be holes scattered around the top and sides of the package. We move it and I thought I heard a noise inside. The card is placed in a plastic evidence bag after putting gloves on. What we had to finally do was slide it so it would fit in the scanner. After a minute we realized we needed to get the police here and possibly an ambulance. The card said a gift for you mr Grey and not much else. The cops arrive and I escort them to where the package is and they open it wearing gloves. What we find is a very petite female blindfolded, gagged, cuffed at ankles and wrist and chained together. She has barely anything on. I ask someone to bring a blanket. We start removing the restraints, the gag, blindfold and the earplugs. She is barely breathing by the time the ambulance has arrived. I have seen a lot of things but nothing like this. Mr Grey is away on business and I needed to stay because there was a call that came in that was ambiguous and I can see why it was after finding the package wasn't a bomb. We couldn't get a trace on who called, but they said they were sending a package and it need3d to be opened immediately.They said it was Da Bomb, what was slang for I guess and good thing was misconstrued as it was a bomb being delivered. We had a skeleton staff and even though this is serious a bomb would have been worse. They take the young woman to Seattle Grace hospital. They had to cut locks off of the leather thing that was covering her private areas like a chastity belt or something. It was like a chastity outfit. I had heard about 5his but never saw one until today.
Stephen Morton
I watch as the ambulance takes away my gift to mr Grey apparently he isn't there today. I follow it to the hospital. I arrive and can't find a parking place and when I ask about the ambulance who just brought in a Jane Doe from the Grey House?
Sir I can't tell you anything regarding any patient so sorry.
You told me this would work. I walk away from him and he grabs me and I wince from the pain he has already inflicted on me.
Don't you ever question me on anything I do. Can I help that Christian Grey wasn't there to receive the box?
Well mr Brilliant man what are you going to do now? She will be reported missing soon. I can tell he is seething. We get inside the van and he drags me into the back and I don't see it coming and I am out after feeling it. He drags me out and tells me to shake it off as I stumble up the stairs to our flimsy apartment. I see the landlord running after us and Stephen is faster than I am getting inside the door and locking it.
Apartment manager Jennings
You owe me three months rent and I need it now or we could possibly work something out. You know knock a month off to get a taste of that beautiful daughter of yours. Where has she been lately?
She is missing I have to file a missing persons report today and I was trying to a photo of her for the police so they can start looking for her.
Manager Jennings
What happened to your face I finally see her face through her dirty brown hair, there is no doubt that her miserable husband has done this to her. I feel bad for her, but she needs to move in with one of her sons and take Anastasia away from here.
I can't believe that Jennings guy, he thinks he can negotiate for Anastasia for a months rent. There is no way. I see him checking on Carla's face. She says nothing and then says Anastasia is missing and she needs a photo of her to give to the cops and that was why she needs to come up here so she can get it for them. Sometimes a good beating makes her quick on her feet.
I run to the apartment after Jennings moves and let's me continue on after telling me I have a week to get the money.
She doesn't even look my way and I try to get her attention. I can't do any more to her or I risk her having to get medical treatment. The cops have been called one too many times to count and the last time they said they will arrest both of us and let the court sort it out. I can't risk it. They will run my prints and find out I am wanted in several states for warrants. Carla is wanted for Kate kidnapping her own daughter. David Lambert won custody over her and has been trying to find since then. Raymond Steele married Carla but his parents had it annulled. She still uses the Steele name when she needs to. Morton is her married name, and I just married her to get near to Anastasia. Paul Adams and my own son Daniel has stood in front her to protect her from me. When they left they took her with them. Leaving all clothing, I found them back her3 getting her documents and theirs. I grabbed my gun and finally got her away from them. That was when I drugged her and decided to plan this surprise package for mr Christian Grey billionaire and I failed big time in my timing. It was meant to be opened when Christian arrived in the lobby so we could get damming photos of it all. But that didn't happen.

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