Christian Grey

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I sit and listen to everything they found out about Anastasia Lambert and apparently dad saved the man she knows as her father until her mother and stepfather used her baby brother to take her from Raymond Steele and his wife Isabel. She took Daniel and Paul and Anastasia had no choice to go with them. Now they have all of them back and they are behind bars and can't get bailed out. They don't have the money. My attorneys are trying to find out why they sent Anastasia to me to begin with. There are theories, but we don't have the truth of the matter yet. I look at the photos they printed in the Seattle Nooz, we found out who sent them in and saw they paid the person in cash. They couldn't get her name. They didn't get a good look at her either, at least that is what they told Sawyer. Dad says that he saved Rays life and they lost touch after Carla. He thinks that Carla prevented Ray from getting any communication from anyone but who she approved of. Mainly her male friends. He was never allowed to adopt Anastasia. To keep him in line she would threaten to hurt Anastasia or take her from him. She did just that. Jason said the charges are mounting on both Carla and Stephen and they are getting desperate to get out of jail. They aren't allowed to contact the Steele family, and since they saw to it none of the kids had phones they can't contact them. This was of their own making lol.
Jason came by with mr Grey or Christian as I recall is his first name. I introduce everyone to him and he asks to chat to Anastasia alone.
I looked up when mr Grey wanted to ask me questions privately. I explain that Paul and Daniel were with me up until Stephen pulled a gun on us and forced the boys to leave. The last thing I recalled was a needle shoved into my arm and the darkness.
From what I am told he nearly killed you with the number of shots he gave you. The police report gave us a little bit about it. We think he had a dolly and came inside in a delivery uniform and had the receptionist sign for it. He was waiting for me to be there to see it opened to get me in the picture with you, but that failed to happen. Jason noticed the holes in the box and decided to scan it and saw your body in the box. An hour later you would be dead. Do you think they wanted you dead and sitting in my building?
I am told there are insurance policies on us all. Carla and Stephen had no money for much, but they spent it on life insurance policies. There were some odd clauses in them though. The detectives have those in evidence.
We tried to see Anastasia but no one was ever home or they were ignoring us, so Daniel and I went and file a missing persons report. We both did.
We tried to get our legal documents but they refused to give anything to us. We saw the photo and remembered seeing the outfit laying on the bed in Carla's bed that day, we had no idea what a evil man he truly is. Now we do. I hope he wasn't trying to kill her. After seeing the life insurance policies I am not sure about his motives.
I want you to answer me and look at me in the eyes when I ask and you three answer this question. Did you three do this in hopes you would gain my attention? Because it sure has.
Okay here goes no we three didn't do this it happened just the way we told you and since you have the footage of everything you know the truth of the matter and my medical records prove it as well. Now I am exhausted and need a nap. Someone will see you out of this home and quickly. You can have someone else asks me questions from now on. I think I will be contacting an attorney and you can ask him any questions from now on. Goodbye mr Grey. Paul and Daniel you can stay if you like but I think you should just tell him a simple answer?
No we reported his as missing person check with the police.
No way would we do anything to harm Anastasia, she was and is our way to a better life. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. As Anastasia says contact our lawyer from here on out and if you even insulate we had anything to do with what Carla and Stephen were up to you will see a defamation suit coming against you. Proceed with caution. Now it is time for you to leave and take your goons with you. I walk out and Ray walks inside and sits down. He says you apparently think it is okay to accuse innocent people of wrongdoing don't do it again.
You don't know those three at all, you don't know anything about them. I would not accuse them again of setting this up themselves. I realize you get a lot of crazy people, but those three aren't crazy. Carla and Stephen are the crazy ones. I am sure they are trying to say those three did it and they had nothing to do with it. Typical of them, they set up several people to take the fall for their crimes. Have you even read about those incidents in their backgrounds? I like Carrick and Grace, you not so much, so let's escort you and your security out of my home because you are no longer welcome here.
Okay, but you would have asked the same questions of them if you were in my shoes.
Not really, because I have good instincts on people and that is why I record everything in this home. I suggest you not try to get NDA's signed by any of us, because we aren't going to do that at all. Here is my attorney's number if you need questions answered do it through him.
I take the card and see it is not any attorney it is a guy that dad says is the best in the west. Shawn Lawson he passed the bar in several states. He is younger than I am. I walk out and Jason is being invited to a bbq party they are having soon to welcome their family back home.

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