Paul And Daniel

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I can't believe this, that has got to be Anastasia. I show Daniel and we go with her photos and drivers license in hand to the hospital. We need to get her away from there quickly who knows what Stephen and Carla have planned next to get money. I don't know there end game or why. But to do that to her and assure her being helpless at someone's hands. I shocked Stephen hasn't raped Anastasia already and put her on the streets to make the money.
My mom and dad are scum, individually they both are scum. Think Raymond Steele my take us in?
We can call him, he said to if we ever need3d him, I would say this is a need to basis. I pull out the card and go to the pay phone and he picks up the phone on the first ring.
Raymond Steele
The second I hear Paul I know Stephen and Carla have done something very bad. They go into the details and I head towards my bedroom to talk to Isabel and she has a photo and is comparing the tiny heart birthmark on the girl in the photo to Anastasia and crying.
We need to get those children free from Stephen and Carla now. You just know this is Anastasia we need to go get her now. He looks and compares the photos and says let's tell the kids where we are going and why. We get up and grab our jackets and he calls Carrick Grey and asked him if Christian his son is the same Christian that the girl in the box was delivered to?
I saw that, Christian has been trying to figure out who would do something like that. She is in the hospital still, she can't remember anything but that is all anyone knows now. Carla and Stephen are behind this aren't they?
I am very sure they are behind it. Isabel and I are going to the hospital but the heart birthmark was the clincher. I am getting those children away from them, now. Stephen and Carla can be charged for this can't they?
I believe so, let me give Christian a heads up and inform him you are coming to get Anastasia from the hospital.
Thanks Carrick, if you see Paul or Daniel tell them I am going to move them in with us.
I will do just that, I will let Grace know and tell her that they are Anastasia's brothers, she has a vested concern for the girl since it was Christian she was sent to.
Ray and Isabel are coming to get us and he plans on handling everything. We are finally inside Anastasia's room and she is sound asleep. But that won't last long because her nightmares are coming soon. The deeper she sleeps the worse they get. It starts with a loud scream and she is running and fighting and at times she has been known to run right into a wall trying to get away from what or who is trying to harm her. Daniel thinks it is Stephen and Carla she is trying to get away from.
We need to try to wake her up, the screaming might make people think we are hurting her. And there comes the nurses and security. They see us sitting in the chairs and we explain she always has nightmares. They turn the lights over her bed on while we watch them try to wake her without getting punched out or clawed and kicked. She might be tiny but her fighting skills are great in and out of nightmares. I have seen her take a guy out with a quick kick to the privates, he had to be hospitalized. He should never had tried to rape her. The marks on her throat were evidence enough to drop all charges against her for his permanent injuries to his privates lol. He deserved every kick to the groin. I see Ray and Isabell talking to security and I tell the security he is okay and so is Isabel. It is Carla and Stephen Morton who are the issues.
I finally get to see my three surrogate children again. Stephen made sure they had no way of getting in touch with us. But we gave them our numbers and told them to call if they needed us. If it hadn't been for Paul and Daniel I think Stephen and Carla would have sold Anastasia. But shipping her to Christian Grey as a present is horrible. I think he knew that Carrick Grey was the friend who saved Rays life and as such was Christian Grey's father. I truly hate Stephen and Carla they crossed the line and now they can be charged for their actions.
Isabel goes to calm Anastasia down and Anastasia finally wakes up.
Daddy , mommy you are here. I hug them and can't let go of them. My brothers are here and then I see the evil ones being stopped at the door. I yell they did this to me, they drugged me and here I am. I want to press charges against them now. Cops appear like they were standing and waiting for me to tell them who did this to me. Mom was in on it, she was hoping that they could get money for me from Christian Grey. I doubt he is into slavery or has slaves. Then I see my other siblings Olivia, Ray, Thomas and Grey. They were waiting until the cops took Carla and Stephen a2ay in cuffs. The detectives ask me all kinds of questions and I answer them to the best of my abilities. They are going to get a search warrant, but realize my brothers and I can give them permission to search the place we lived with Carla and Stephen. So Paul, Daniel and Ray go with them so they can get our things out of there for good. Dad and mom live in a big beautiful home on the sound. Stephen kept the threat of hurting mom and Daniel over my head to keep me from leaving the home.

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