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Grey Steele
I think no one has seen so much happen in her life. I was the lucky one of all our combined families. Mom and dad have always been here for me. I have met the man I was named after, Grey is a very unusual name. But dad said he thought it was fitting because as gloomy as the weather was it was a beautiful moment to see me cone into the world. Mom and dad said no one can take me from them and they were almost right. I met my dream man at a tech show. I became friends with Sophie and David Taylor because we are thrown together are cookouts and special events. I guess Jason was in the same military unit as my dad. I am an aunt now. Augustine and June had fraternal twins both has the heart birthmark but on their but cheeks lol. Left and right. It's cute. David and Sarah Lambert. They just turned two years old. Anastasia is at there house more than at hers. Her trust fund is huge by now. At 24 she doing very well for herself. Her and Augustine are turning 25 next month and it is great to have them back in our family. There is going to be two weddings this month. Kate Kavanagh and Elliott Grey are getting married and things are getting hectic. Ethan Kavanagh is marrying Mia Grey. Both the Kavanagh and the Greys are busy trying to get things in motion for the wedding. We can't say when the weddings are going t9 held and where. But it is going to held at Augustine's property. The place is gorgeous, they built an event building with all the things needed for parties. Mom and dad are helping out and so are everyone else. I am kind of lonely in this house that is isolated. Sure someone can drive me, but I don't like bothering them. Mom has tried to get me involved in things, but I just can't seem to want to. Olivia, Thomas, Ray and Daniel are all doing there own things.
I have stopped by to see Anastasia, but Grey and a few staff are the in,y ones here. I ask her where Anastasia is at? Apparently she is at Augustine's place with everyone else. I ask her if she wants to go there with me and she says yes. We talk about a few things and I ask her how school is, she says it is boring and she gets done too quickly. I tell her I know the feeling.
Christian arrives and we are still trying to get things completed for the weddings. Anastasia has been hiding out here and helping out with the twins. Grey appears as well. I take them out where all the action is. Anastasia is changing the twins diapers. June is laying on a blanket sleeping. We just found out we are having a baby and she is exhausted. Roger Hamilton is here with Lily and their baby Roger jr. I had no idea that I actually did a good deed by putting these two together. They love each other very deeply. I am very proud that Kate and Elliott are getting married. Kate has doing great in her career and it all started with the interview I agreed to do.
I go over and whisper in Anastasia's ear. We should tell everyone soon, because you are already showing. I kiss her ear.
Dad has no idea that Christian and I got married at the courthouse a year ago. We didn't want all this fuss done and they started planning these weddings a month after our marriage. We live next door to his mom and dad. They think we are living in sin. Dad is not thrilled and has voiced it many times. Mom thinks I did well by my choice. We will be telling them on my birthday next week. I let the twins down and they head to their father. Christian takes me by my hand and we find someplace to be alone. We go into an empty guest room and he locks the door. We go to the bathroom and he strips me and then strips and turns the water on and pulls me into it and we start making love against the shower wall. My legs are wrapped around him as he moves in and out of me. We finally come together.
I miss you and I needed that. We wash each other and I place my hand on the little bump she has. I lean down and kiss our baby bump. Are you eating okay?
Trying to, the morning sickness stopped finally. June has figured out that I am pregnant. I had to tell her and Augustine about us and that we got married. He wasn't happy that we kept it quiet. Are you ready for the fallout tonight? We finally get dressed and straighten up.
Jose Sr
I watch as the flowers are being planted in the garden and Ausuella, Consuella are ready for us to photograph the new plants. Jose jr is taking photos of everyone and I see him taking photos of Anastasia caring for the twins and I tell him that she has someone.
Jose Jr
Yes I see mr Grey has a thing for her, as I notice them come back out of the house and there is no doubt what they have been doing. Olivia bumps me into action. She only has eyes for Christian you know.
Jose jr is cute but he doesn't see anyone but Anastasia. Paul walks up and then Daniel. The Millers have arrived to fix the I T here along with all the security systems so they don't fail when the weddings are here. The Bailey family is here and everyone is starting to arrive. All the Kavanagh family is here, the Reynolds are all getting instruction from Sawyer and his mom is watching him bossing people around.
I go play with the younger children. The Taylor's are all here and the everyone has went into the event building. We all finally head into the building and it looks beautiful. I want my wedding here to. It is so beautiful inside. We all start setting the the things out for our meals for tonight. Before everyone leaves Christian and Anastasia announce that they have been married for nearly a year and they were married on her birthday. Then they tell everyone they are two months pregnant.

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