A New Toy

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Lily Johnson
I called the number after I found a quiet spot to chat with Roger Hamilton and he said he would love to meet me. So he had a limo pick me up.
I never thought about doing that, giving them the number of older wealthy single men.
Oh I can give you a few tips on who and how and why these gold diggers need to learn that wealthy people are not just there to support them and have feelings as well. Roger finds it amusing to play with them and none have ever walked away with his money, but he has taken all they have. At first I thought it might end disastrously. But then I read his prenuptial agreement. June and I have one even more detailed. I trust her implicitly and she trust me just as much. Both of us are wealthy in our own right. We have given each other a wealth of love and experiences that we agreed to take and turn it into a very positive situation.
Here comes my brothers stalker, Kate long time no see, where's Elliott at?
Oh he is being manhandled by some brunette. You brought Emily right? Christian heads over to find Emily.
That was smooth. Kate Kavanagh right?
Your wife said you would be open to doing an interview regarding your mother and stepfather, is that the case?
Of course, but we keep my other family members out of the story. They have been traumatized enough.
Is it true you and Anastasia are twins?
Yes we are twins, let's not do the interview here, I am staying at the Steele estate, we can do the interview there. Call my number and set it up. June will be in the story as well. Is Lily Johnson your friend as well or just Mia's friend?
She is a friend but only when it is beneficial for her. Why?
You might want to write a story about her soon. I set up a meeting with Roger Hamilton. If you are worth your weight in salt you will know why I did it and how things will end.
Well she was asking for it she won't keep her hands off the Grey brothers and they are very clear that they don't like her at all.
You really like Elliott don't you?
Yes very much, but he hasn't given me the time of day.
Do yourself a favor, ignore him, go out with other guys and make him miss all of the attention you give him. He is afraid to admit he likes it. Once he thinks you have moved on, he will start wondering where you are and making a point of knowing where you are and who you are with. I hate it, but there it is. Try that and I think you will notice that he will change his tune when it comes to you.
Okay, I will give it a try. I will call you about the interview. I walk away as Leila starts toward Augustine yet again.
Leila see Kate's brother over there go talk to him he can recommend a good psychiatrist for you, because I am sure he can't treat you because I am sure you two have had sex at one time. It might be why he chose to become a psychiatrist actually. I walk away kea I got her stunned yet again.
I have to give you this you know how to work a party. Everyone is talking about you.
Good or bad?
Who cares, we both know you love the games people can play and you enjoy toying with them. Be careful though okay.
I will tone it down for you and Isabel. Kate Kavanagh wants to interview me and I told her it will be just her, me and June at the interview and only Carla and Stephen will be the only family mentioned in the article. How do you feel about that?
She will keep her word about the article being just what you want. Good things can come from it if done well. Remember that.
That is exactly what I want, good things to come from it. Let's hope the message gets to the right people. I watch as Lily waves good bye to all of us.
Okay should I ask why Lily is waving at you?
Everyone will find out soon enough. I am teaching the little gold digger a lesson, well not me per se but a good friend of mine.
Christian sits beside me after he gets my permission and starts chattering away. June excuses herself and so does Grace.
Did the books work for your education?
Yes thank you that was very kind of you to give us all those books and supplies. All of us appreciate everything you brought. Along with the apology. This is a nice bbq party.
Mom throws a lot of them. I think she appreciated the food, I enjoyed the brownie pie. Can I get the recipe for Gail to make occasionally?
Sure I can have dad email it to you from his computer. His phone rings and he looks at it and excuses himself to take the call. Ethan Kavanagh comes and sits beside me. The first thing he says is not making me feel at ease with him.
So you are the girl that was delivered to GEH. Nice body by the way. She stands up and walks away from me. I guess I hit a nerve. I see Leila headed my way. Oh well even crazy people need love to. She sits on my lap and I can't think straight, but I need to and quickly. Mom sees me and heads over along with dad. They know how weak I am around Leila. You would think as a psychiatrist I could control this situation, but Leila has something about her and I can't help myself around her.
Leila I think your parents are looking for you.
Leila we don't want the same thing to happen the last time you two got together do we?
Okay I get it, I will leave him alone. I see mom and dad and they aren't happy with me so I get up and leave.
I notice that Kate is talking to Augustine and it looks serious. It looks like they are exchanging numbers. Christian is here someplace. Leila is leaving me alone and Lily got a ride home.
Where is your stalker I ask Elliott and we look around and she is nowhere to be found. Ethan and his mom and dad are talking and Leila gets off Ethan's lap and walks away. She locked my brother in a dungeon she created somehow in her bedroom. Her parents had no idea. Ethan's parents had filed a missing persons report. They finally found him after two weeks of being imprisoned in her dungeon. Leila's parents thought her being alone in the house while they visited friends on a tropical island wouldn't be an issue. When they heard the painful screams of Ethan and they found him and no Leila. They immediately called the cops and an ambulance. That was made him become a psychiatrist. Kate says he still has nightmares about Leila and she still scares the hell out of him. I then realized that the look on his face was fear, paralyzing fear. I decide to talk to him.

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