Wedding Bells Ringing

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We are having problems with things going wrong and we finally have to combine the weddings on the same day. We both wanted certain things and finally we sat down and got it all worked out and the weddings will be two hours apart. Elliot and my wedding is first and Mia and Ethan's are two hours later. Dresses are going to be changed and make up will be fine as well. Photos will be difficult, but they hired more than one company to do the videos and the photographs. The wedding parties will be rushed but we have planned it out to the best we could do.
I know this day is just going to be rushed and I hope Kate and Mia get the weddings they really want. Everyone has been pitching in and assuring everything runs smoothly. Christian has brought staff here to assist us in everything we need to accomplish. The Baileys are very good at it. Andrea and the Millers are fantastic. Grey is watching the children with help. It amazes me how well the Steele, Lambert, Adam and Morton children are working together. Even after being separated for so long it is like watching a team. A well orchestrated one.
I am worried that something will happen today. I decided to talk to Jason Taylor and ask him to have it verified that Leila is still in the hospital. The Williams haven't been seen recently. It scares me that they haven't been seen in public. We have been engaged for more than a year and it was announced in the paper. The Williams assured me that Leila wasn't allowed the newspaper's. But that doesn't stop her from seeing the news of my engagement other ways.
Ethan thinks something is going to go wrong today. He said that the Williams have gone missing and it is scaring him. He asked Jason to check and make sure that Leila is still in the mental hospital. I am starting to feel that way as well. Christian told me to be aware of anything strange since the groom's can't see us brides. Guards are posted outside both the bride and grooms rooms.
I have talked to the hospital and they assure me miss Williams is still in the hospital. But something seems very off and I decide to call the Williams home, then where they work. That is when I ask the cops to do a check on them because they haven't been to work for some time. I think extra security is in order so I start calling in all available staff. I have the Reynolds go to check out if Leila is actually in the mental hospital then check on her parents as well. Everything is moving faster and I tell security and mr Grey, Steele, Lambert, the Miller's as well to check on the exterior for any weaknesses. Everything is running smoothly and mr Kavanagh is walking Kate down the aisle to Elliott. It was as it should be everyone does the usual cutting the cake and throwing garters and bouquets and the dances and then they go get changed and Ethan is in place and Carrick has walked Mia to the alter. I notice something odd and alert security to divide up and protect the wedding party as the rest of us go toward the area I saw something. My gun is ready and we are posed to shoot to kill.
Ethan and I are finally married and we join the others, dance throw the bouquet and the garter. We cut our cake and we are celebrating and the speeches are all given. Suddenly we hear a gun shot then several gun shots. Everyone is told to get behind the tables. I feel someone behind me. Before I can protect myself I see Anastasia and Daniel grab Leila before she can move to stab me. Security grabs her and cuffs her as we get up and watch her being taken away. Ethan is hiding under the tables. I pull him into my arms as Jason comes to see about us all. What a wedding day.
How did she get in here?
She had help, we had to shoot three guys who were charging at us with ak47's, we were better shots. Her parents were held in that stupid dungeon of hers. They failed to take it out. They are on their way to the hospital. They are being questioned now. Everyone goes back to party mode just with extra security. I just have a gut feeling that someone is helping Leila get loose. We are going to figure out who help3d her escape and get them as well. How does someone arrange all this from a mental institution?
Seattle Nooz
Wedding Bells and ak47's what a combination, then you add a mental patient getting close enough to kill Mia Kavanagh and trying to kidnap Ethan Kavanagh. Sources say Leila Williams was the perpetrator of everything. She had help no doubt. Photos of the incident are shown here.
They were here at the wedding they had access to the brides and grooms. I scan all the security footage and there is Leila and I watch as Ausuello is taking photos and videos of the attacks and see her stop and send some into to someone. I go find Ausuello and ask her for her phone and iPad. Things didn't add up, but this makes sense to me that she sent those pictures to the Nooz. She didn't do it, she was compiling evidence against Leila for us. Then we see him, the missing Morton boy. The one who had a crush on Mia and Leila. Carl Morton left at a very early age or at least we thought he had. He would be 24, no one knew he existed but Carla, Stephen and his grandmother Morton. The second I saw him I knew he was behind this and freed Leila. We caught him before he could get out of the gate. The police took all of them to jail.
I can't believe he was still alive I thought he was killed in a fire?
I guess he wasn't, so we know he helped Leila get free from the mental hospital more than once.

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