An Apology Made

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Christian Grey
Dad said I was out of line to accuse the victim and her siblings of being part of whatever Carla and Stephen had planned. He said that Taylor said that Anastasia was barely alive when they called the ambulance and the cuffs were put on her to assure she was injured. The needle marks were jabbed into her to make it look like she had done it, but the angle was off so it was not possible for her to do it to herself. The search said the things only had Stephen Morton's prints on them. The detectives assured me that Anastasia, Paul or Daniel had nothing to do with it and Anastasia was a victim yet again of Carla and Stephen's money grabbing schemes. This was not the worse one they pulled on her. They advertised her on several web sites and someone found out about it and reported them to the law and her face was taken down. The body however was used on another face. Carla did the naked photos while she was drugged. again the heart birthmark was obvious because of where it was. It is right above her left nipple. The outfit she was in just barely covered her nipples so the heart was what her father recognized in the Seattle Nooz and he was pretty mad and knew exactly the two people behind her missing. I ask Taylor what would be a good apology gift to the Steele family. He says he has no clue, but if I want to apologize it better be sincere.
You need to apologize and mean it. What were you thinking accusing them being a part of all of that to begin with anyway? Anastasia clearly was barely alive and definitely had no idea how she got to the hospital. The detectives were very thorough in their questioning her. They tried to trip her up, but her story was obviously true. Her brothers were accused of doing this for her and they told them nearly killing their sister was not something they would do or ever do. I was there when they tried that nonsense, but I couldn't talk to them about anything. I don't know much about what would help one make things right with Anastasia, Paul and Daniel.
Christian called me and asked what he could do to make his apologies to me and my family regarding his accusations against Anastasia, Paul and Daniel. I told him he could purchase rom a list of things they need for their education. Anastasia needs a couple of expensive ones to complete her last two courses. Paul could use some as well. Daniel needs all his books for high school courses. Soon we are getting deliveries and not just books they need, but books they have desired to continue their tiny libraries. He even got the rest of us things we could use, that we decided to hold off for Christmas to get each other. We accepted his apologies to all of us. He brought them with a few helpers. It was not like I wouldn't buy everything they needed it was that he took the time and actually got what they could really use. Anastasia was very emotional about getting the books she cried.
I guess I hadn't realized how hard Anastasia worked to get through school, she looked at the books and just broke down crying. Paul and Daniel were the same. Taylor showed me the deplorable condition their clothing and their shoes were in and they had to hide their meager possessions, while Carla and Stephen had the best they could afford. I saw the photos he took. I feel so ashamed of myself. I invite them to my parents BBQ at my parents request. They are definitely wearing nice clothes now. Ray and Isabel must have done that. I get a call from Taylor and we have two more boxes with young women hiding in them, they saw the Seattle Nooz and I am getting packages. We decided to turn them over to the cops to handle. But today was the worst one, she made a huge mistake, she was naked and failed to bring clothing or shoes. We don't accept any packages that we don't know the shipper personally and they have made arrangements before hand. GEH is a mad house now. A few tried at Escala and were arrested by the cops immediately after opening the boxes. Four in one day. Gail and security were taking videos of them being found out. I stopped after the second one. I curse Stephen and Carla for sending me the original box and then making money by selling the photos of Anastasia. Ray apparently said from day one Anastasia had that little heart birthmark and it grew bigger as she grew up. It is three inches by three inches in size and looks like a red valentine heart. He said he knew it was Anastasia when he saw the heart. So they all came down to claim her. I take my leave and tell them the time and date to arrive at the BBQ and tell them to bring a swimsuit if they want to swim.
When I opened the box and saw the books I needed to get my last degree I cried. I was saving to get those and to pay for the courses. Now I don't need to. Everyone was given books they needed or wanted and I am so overwhelmed I cried, I thanked mr Grey an asked to be excused to take my precious books to my room. I look up and say thanks and for my dead father a thank you for looking out for me.
We tell Christian we will be at the bbq and ask if there is anything we can bring to it. My friends tell me that Carla and Stephen have ran into some old friends in jail. Their trial is coming up soon, if they don't get hauled off to Texas for a murder case they were supposed to be on trial down there. They got a fool to post bail and they escaped and ended up in Seattle. They dragged Anastasia, Paul and Daniel everywhere they could as slaves. Because of jumping bail in Texas they are pleading guilty here and will get a reduced sentence and be taken to Texas to serve time. It will happen soon and I know those two very well. They will try to escape. I call a few favors in and make sure they can't escape. I don't want them finding Anastasia, Paul and Daniel. I was allowed to have Daniel because Anastasia is his sister and so is Paul and they can be his guardian now. We got that started immediately after we brought Anastasia home for good. I feel good that Christian made amends.

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