Carl Morton

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Carl Morton
My parents dumped me on a vicious old grandmother. Nothing I did was ever good enough for her. My parents left me there and never looked back. I caught up to them here in Seattle, they never recognized me. Not surprising at all. I have been caught, but have a few tricks up my sleeve like Leila seems to. She set this all up, so I am betting she has a way to escape. Then I feel something as I sit with cuffs on me. I feel a metal piece in the edge of my pocket. I move it out and it is a key. I try to move it into the hole on the cuffs. Suddenly one clicks open. Then the other clicks open. We are all sitting on the ground handcuffed and they are looking at the others, so I slowly move away and get by the police cars and crawl to get away with little or no movement.
Going somewhere Carl? I point my gun at his head and tell him make a move I just need you to do that to shoot you. I place the cuffs on him. I search him thoroughly and find nothing.
He failed to get away. So here we are sitting waiting for the next chance to escape. I watch as Ethan is dancing with Mia. I try to get up, but the lady cop pushes me back down. Suddenly they are all putting us in the back of police cars and we are on our way to jail. Back to the mental hospital that is more like a retreat with drugs. Instead of jail or the place I was staying they take me to a state run hospital. As they take me inside I notice the condition of the facility. They take me into a cell and cuff me to the bed with my wrists and my ankles. I then feel a needle jab into my arm rest for a while miss Williams you aren't going escape from here.
Head psychiatrist
Nice young thing to be so crazy. After she wakes up make sure she is seen by the physician first thing and place her in the usual garb. Get the cop to lose her paperwork for a couple of days.
Okay I can do that. He is back at it again. I check her vitals and she seems to have bruises on her face and body.
I watch the cars go in separate directions. I don't even ask a question. They stop the car and I am dragged out of the car. Then I hear him, the voice of the guy who set me up for a fall. He dismisses the cops and tell them to look in their pockets. I hadn't seen him near the cops.
Well we meet again Carl. I was hoping you weren't like your parents but you are very much like them.
Well you know the apple tree analogy. So you are the white rabbit?
Ahh Jimmy Stewart, must have watched a lot of old movies. That rabbit was a nice guy, not sure I fit that description at this point. Okay take the cuffs off and let him get a head start before you stop him from escaping yet again. I have a wedding reception to go to.
Lily Hamilton
I am sitting with a few couples when Roger arrives back at the table. He looks like he has been getting wind and he leans in to kiss me. Anything exciting happen while I was gone?
I see Rogers white hair has a leaf in his hair and only one place has that type of leaf in this area. I watch Anastasia and think about the child she and June are carrying. Christian kisses her and smiles at us both.
I get a call and Leila in in the state ran mental hospital, and our escapee artist did it again, he evaded us and tried injured a cop. They had to shot to kill. He died on the way to the hospital.
Taylor tells me one prisoner tried to escape and attacked the cop and he was shot while escaping he died on the way to the hospital. Leila is now in a state run mental hospital. Taylor Sit down and eat something. I do as asked and sit by my wife and kids.
They found the person who helped get Leila out he was fired immediately, it would have been good, but he wasn't an employee he was a patient. They started locking him in his room all the time.

Six months later
The other helpers are serving time now.
I tell Jason that we are having another child. I think he nearly fainted. But we got him seated and Monty later Anastasia gives birth to Theodore Raymond Grey,Anastasia and Christian are checking him all over.
I smile and say he is missing a heart. He doesn't have a heart birthmark.
Should he have one?
Both Augustine and Anastasia have one. His twins have one each on their right and left butt cheek.

The Williams home
A knock on the door and a cop is here to give the Williams the bad news. Leila was shot in the middle of trying to kill the nurse caring for her and she died from the shot. The cop asks what to do with her effects and where they want the body to go to. They tell him to cremate her and tell them to do whatever they want to to her ashes.
June bug
I look at our latest set of twins and both have a heart in the middle of their chests. A good thing they are both boys. I pull out my breast and Augustine watches as the heart on my breast near my nipples on both sides look like they are beating.
The hearts are another reason I married June bug. She wasn't missing a heart.

The end hope you all liked the story

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