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We buy clothing for all three and I need to figure out what size Anastasia is and the clerk gasps as she hears the weight and height I need to buy for and the boys are thin as well. We plan on getting their weight up in a healthy way. If we knew where they were we would have gotten custody of Daniel and the other two would follow them to our home. We also didn't want Carla and Stephen to know where our home is located either. We have a restraining order against them both. Carla had no idea how well off Ray is and he kept it that way. The held Daniel over Paul and Anastasia saying anything could happen to him if they left him there alone. I heard them say it over and over again. We finally get clothing that they can wear and grow into.
We need to feed the children and see if we can take Anastasia home with us. We can make sure she gets built up and vitamins are needed as well. We arrive with the clothing and several bags of food for everyone.
Hi long time no see Ray, I came to meet Anastasia and check her charts. It looks promising and they might allow her to go home with you today. They start passing out food and drinks to everyone. Anastasia has to be starving for solid food. The family looks odd three of them look like they were being starved and the others are very healthy. I watch as Isabel Steele makes sure everyone is full and needs nothing else and the eats her food. She finally finishes and everyone helps clean the containers up to throw away. We all were given food including security and the police guards. Dr Nelson came in and checked Anastasia over and handed her prescriptions to be filled in the pharmacy. Isabel asks if the vitamins would be okay for Paul and Daniel as well and he decided to check them over and said yes, but I will give you a diet to benefit them to follow until they get back to normal weight. I say goodbye and tell Ray and Isabell to come to dinner soon.
We agree to cone by soon and finally meet their children. I kept away from the Grey family because of Carla and Stephen trying to ingratiate themselves into their lives, but was thwarted at every effort. This was beyond insane to use such tactics to meet Christian Grey. Oh I am very sure he will meet the whole Grey family in a court of law. While they sit in orange jumpsuits and cuffs and chains. I picture it as I am fantasizing them getting a lethal injection for all their crimes. We know they have warrants under various false names and they have caught up with them both. It is hard not to think these two deserve to be put to death and they should suffer for all they have done to so many people. The fact they were so stupid to think they could ingratiate themselves into the Grey's social circle and not be found out and finally arrested for every crime they have committed. I hug Isabel as Anastasia is getting showered and putting her new clothes on.
I will be happy to get out of here and away from the security and cops. I am going to be a witness against Carla and Stephen. I guess there are a lot more people coming forward to testify against them when they were using other names. They bought me some very cute things to wear home in, their home and not that apartment.
Dr Nelson
You need to make appointments and Paul and Daniel needs to get blood work done as well. He signs the release papers and let's us go.
Security walks us to the vans and we head to the house on the sound and finally make it home safely. The gates open easily welcoming us home. I have called and had the three guest rooms ready for I new family arriving home after such a long time. It will take some time for all of us to adjust to each other again. We show them to the rooms we decided on, we just decided they needed us and they accepted us taking the lead on this and I am glad they did. I don't say anything about Carla and Stephen so they can heal from it. I show them the kitchen, the laundry room and Ray and the others show them everything else while I make sure the vitamins and medication is where Anastasia can get to it and the vitamins as well. Apparently she got a bad infection from both the needles and the outfit they found her in. Her wrists are bandaged and her ankles are as well. We were given medication, tape and gauze to cover the marks on her wrists and ankles. I take 15 minutes to cry for the children we weren't allowed to keep with us because they used Daniel to make the others stay with them. Hopefully no one will know it is Anastasia in those photos. If we get her healthy they won't if I have my way. We should have had a better attorney, but we had no idea we were duped by the attorney we hired. He no longer has his license for the bargain he made. He tried to get them to give Anastasia to him as payment to throw the case. We found out and he is behind bars now for human trafficking. Carla and Stephen used that information against us saying we were behind it, the judge didn't believe it, but he said that Daniel was their child and as such we are total strangers to him. They couldn't prove that the Mortons had tried to time and again to gain monetary values for her. But they couldn't get the right amount. Plus she held it place until now and now we can get Daniel to live with us.
The kids are relaxing let's go talk okay?
I take the hand he offers me and we go to our bedroom.

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