The Bbq

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This shindig turned out to be bigger than I thought, but we brought out the extra seating and tables. Mia's friends decided to invite themselves so they can flirt with my wealthy sons. I warn June about the gold diggers, she laughs and says watch how Augustine handles them.
It is funny how he scares them off. He is in the process of scaring Leila Williams off.
Leila won't leave me alone and I get permission from June to create havoc. I lean in and get close enough to check her nipples out. No bra hmm so can you tell me about your abilities in bed? Be honest with me. Can I get the phone number of all the men you have screwed so they can tell me why they didn't stay with you after having sex with you? Before I bed someone the need to be tested for social diseases be great in bed, because I am great in bed and I don't waste my time with a bad lay. She walks away and voila I am free of one gold digger. She will definitely spread the word and only brave women will walk up to me. I walk over to my wife, but am stopped by a tall blonde in a bikini that tells me all I need to know and I walk around her and she grabs my arm. My security takes her hand off my arm and tells her not to grab me again. I thank my guy and go sit by my wife. The arm she grabbed has never quite healed from what Carla and Stephen did to me before I left for good. I ask June for an aspirin for the pain.
I can get you something stronger if you need it.
No thanks I will cope with it and the aspirin helps. I kiss June and tells her thank you. Anastasia brings us some food and drinks and eats something herself. We all chat and I find out that Grace was overseeing Anastasia and her care. I watch as the girl named Lily. Grace told me her name. She is chasing Christian, Elliott and a few other guys around. I ask if it is normal for the girls to chase these guys and she laughs and says they chase but they can't catch them lol
Colleen Kavanagh
I go join Grace and the others and think about Lily and her chasing all the wealthy guys around. Colin is talking business as well. I introduce myself to the young couple the Lambert's and his sister Anastasia. Colin is waving Augustine over and June tells him to go enjoy himself. I tell her she just sent her husband into the lions den.
He has already scared one predator away and he can the others as well. I watch as Colleen tells me who is who and the tall bubbly blonde is her daughter. She says Kate has her heart set on only one person. She says that Kate is reeling him in slowly. She thinks telling me might jinx it. Then I see who she is talking about. At first I thought it was Christian, but I saw her subtle move to get closer to Elliott. Too bad Elliott was looking at one of the many females huddling around for the guys to notice them. Augustine catches my eye and blows a kiss to me. He definitely picked the right female to insult, because all of them are staying away from him now.
What did your husband do to Leila? Whatever it was she has spread the word and the single young ladies are staying away from him. Usually they don't care about whether a rich good looking guy is married and really could care less if the wife is here. It is all about how wealthy they are and how they can break up the marriage. They want to be mrs money bags.
I am glad to see Augustine doing so well. He deserves it and I am happy he has found a good wife as well.
You might not like me later though, but Augustine really worked very hard to get to where he is at. It took a lot for him to trust me enough to become friends and then finally marry me. I am not as good as he deserves, but I am growing up and being as kind as I can be. I am glad the Morton's are not going to be an issue for any of us again. Dad took care of the evil beings known as Carla and Stephen Morton. He just said he knew one of their enemies and put them in his target and that is all he had done. Sometimes you don't have to get your hands dirty to accomplish your fantasies. The Morton's were living on borrowed time. I ask Anastasia if she was sad the Morton's were killed?
I am sad they failed as human beings and parents, but I didn't want anyone dead, but they needed to be imprisoned for life. Kate Kavanagh walks up at this point and wants to interview me.
You were the girl in the box on the front page os the Seattle Nooz right?
Yes, why?
Can I get an interview with you please?
No I will not go through that experience by talking about it with a complete stranger. I have an appointment with a therapist to just be able to sit here with strangers.
Can I publish what you just said?
Miss Kavanagh I don't want my name in any article, on any news program again. I appreciate that you are just doing a job, but you don't need me to get a great story.
How about this as a news story Augustine Lambert son of Carla Morton survived and made lemonade out of rotten lemons. He thinks him drawing the story away from the negatives it will help heal all the victims of her and Morton being horrible humans into a more positive note. It will show that even in adversity good things can spring from it and do great things for others.
Do you think he will talk to me?
Yes as long as you keep Anastasia out of the story completely he will. Go chat with him, because I think he will want to do a positive story for his siblings and for other abused and used children to see they can rise above the fertilizer they came from. Grace laughs.
Very polite way of saying they were horrible parents lol Lily is at it again. I don't think she is going away so easily this time.
Lily can you find someplace else to be?
Lily are you really so desperate to be arm candy? I know someone who would really give you what you want as a gold digging slut, but beware what you truly want and your greediness because once I introduce you to him, it's all on you. His last wife left him for his bodyguard. Let's just say she paid a high cost doing it. She failed to read the prenuptial agreement completely the dollar signs she would get caused her to fail to see that if she cheated on him she would lose everything. Everything meaning she would have to lose her trust fund and all her assets and any surgical treatment to improve her appearance, she would have to pay him back for. The bodyguard dumped her after giving his employer proof of her cheating. Now do you want to meet the gentleman most think is senile and has one foot in the grave. I assure neither of those things are true. Here is his card he will find you amusing for at least an hour. Then he will call and ask me what I was thinking lol

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