Kate Gets Her Man

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I have tried to see Ethan again, but they have now arrested me and I am not allowed bail. I tried and my parents refused to get me out. Now they want to put me in a psychiatric hospital for a very long time. My parents are pretty mad at me for not staying away from the Kavanagh family.
Gordon Williams
She needs psychiatric help, she has never been the same since Stephen Morton and Carla Morton did something to her when she was stalking Augustine. He disappeared and now he is back. He had no idea she was stalking him. The cops asked him straight out and he had no idea who she was. The Morton's sure did, the event happened after Augustine decided he couldn't take being around them any more. Rumors were going around about him having his arm broken and he answered questions during the casting about Leila and he was clueless, but his parents weren't. She definitely went off the deep end over Ethan. She started stalking him and kidnapping him and holding him in her dungeon that she created somehow. That was after Augustine left Seattle and that was years ago. She was in the psychiatric hospital for a year. She is back to her bad habits again.
Elizabeth Williams
We can't know for sure if what the Morton's did to her caused her behavior or not, I think she has never been right in her mind since her birth. There was just something not quite right. Gordon always told me I was imagining things when I told him about her strange behavior. I wanted to get her a therapist, but he told me absolutely not to get her any help for an imagined problem that only I am aware of. Well here we are yet again and this time if he fights me and her victims on placing in the psychiatric hospital until she gets better, they don't think there is any real hope for her to get better at all.
Attorney Sam Ford
I am here to talk to the Williams about Leila and what direction we need to go in at this point. She violated restraining orders and now she is in jail until they can get her a bed in a mental hospital. I have papers written up so that the hospital and her doctors along with the courts to make decisions on where she should go to. The hospital is where she should stay.
A week later
I am in a a mental hospital where I am being poked and prodded and given pills regularly and the food sucks. I have tried to escape several times. The padded cell is just so lonely to live in. I guess it was better than what I kept Ethan in. I at least aren't cuffed to the wall and floor. He was hospitalized for a month. Three were in a mental hospital for the extreme PTSD. He was attacking people thinking it was me. No one is allowed to visit me until I am calmer, I don't see this place making me calm ever. They come in and give me my pills. They found yesterdays pills hidden and today they are holding me down to and forcing one pill at a time down my throat and assuring I swallow them. Grrr they assure I can't throw them up. They force me to drink water, a lot of it. They bring food in and I have to eat all of it.

Kate is not hanging out with Mia and her friends as much as she used to. Mia says she has been busy working and dating. I feel an angry feeling, but I shouldn't be angry about her dating after all we were never dating at all. I ask Mia who Kate is dating and she says there are several vying for her attentions.
I think Elliott is realizing he misses Kate being around and admiring him from a distance. I decided to pull his leg about Kate dating other guys. She really is very busy since the interview she did with Augustine and his wife June about surviving the Morton's. June was there to support him and to give her perspective as his wife after some very trying moments in their lives concerning his PTSD. She has been getting interviews with more people who have had more on the nefarious couple. She has been out on a few dates, but nothing to write home about. Ethan and I have been having dinner as good friends after Leila once again traumatized him. His parents had Leila arrested as she left our estate, well my parents estate. Leila's mother apologized for her crashing the party and to Ethan, but Gordon still hasn't realized what a psycho his daughter truly is. She is now in the mental hospital and her parents can't get her released, only the courts and the doctors can control that.
I just got a call from Elliott Grey. He wants to meet for dinner. I tell him that I am too busy to break for dinner. An hour later he walks in with m favorite food and drink. I ask how he knew and he says he noticed that it was something that he saw me eat very slowly to enjoy every bite of it. Along with the drink.
I make room for the good on the TV tray I brought in with me and hand her a napkin for her lap. After we eat she kisses me on my cheek.  Pull her to me and kiss her gently on the lips. We kiss for a few moments until we are interrupted by a co worker looking for her article.
Vera comes in at just the wrong moment as usual. Elliott and I break apart and he cleans everything up as I talk to Vera about the article and the photos we are using for it. She leaves before Elliott does and he pulls me back into his arms and asks me for a real date and we make arrangements. I think of how right Augustine was so far about what he told me.

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