Texas Awaits

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I am mad that we are back in jail and the first thing I run into is the fist of the person who posted bail for us in Texas. She lost everything thanks to me and Stephen, she is now working as a prison guard. She is not a small person and was hoodwinked by Stephen into thinking they were going to end up together only to find out he and I were married and he just used her to get us out of jail. We quickly make a deal and today we are getting transferred to Texas to stand trial. We can't get bail again. I can't get hold of Stephen to talk to h8m and no one will let me talk to him and I have no friends after they found out why I am in here for. I helped Stephen deliver Anastasia to Christian Grey and gave her to him as a present. We failed and got caught and here we are both in jail yet again.
I can't believe the people that they put me in with. I have to watch my back every second of the day. That is what happens when you cross people who have criminal tendencies. I try to get a call out, but they aren't allowing me to contact anyone at all. I can't shake the feeling that I will never make it to Texas to stand trial. We came close to getting insurance money on Anastasia, but she didn't die. Carla was very upset after realizing that was my intention all along. We are being moved tomorrow to head to Texas. I am counting the hours until they transfer us and head to Texas.
Charles Adams
I watch as Morton Sleeps and think of everything he and that witch Carla has done to my nephew. She should allowed Ray keep him, but no she had to have a child to turn into her own personal slave. Stephen wasn't much better. He won't be making it to Texas and the good ole boys. He is going to die a slow death and they will assure us he will pay for what he has done ten fold.
Warden Sumner
I am glad to see this guy leave, Morton is lucky no one killed him in here. I sign him over to the guards that are taking him to meet up and combine the criminals to various states one bring Texas.
Warden Schuster
I sign the transfers for the prisoner as and I am so glad to see miss high and mighty Carla Morton. She is lucky to be alive after the stunt she pulled. Her two black eyes are from a fight with someone twice her size and she won the fight. I decide to look into her condition today. If I thought we could charge her for the assault I would, but the state of Texas wants her badly. The guards take the prisoners out to go to a central processing for being taken to the other states who have priority over getting them to trial there. I sit thinking that there are some enemies awaiting Carla down in Texas.
Guard Jordan
I am awaiting the new arrivals for the Texas trip. The five other guards are now arriving and we get the prisoners on the buses. Suddenly there us an attempt to escape and we finally get the prisoners back in line and find that several have escaped. We are very prepared for any escapes. Why these prisoners think we haven't assured no one escapes is beyond me. Ten minutes later they have all the prisoners back on the buses only this time they are on the ones taking them to their out of state law enforcement agencies. We transfer them at a safe location at the state lines. We have five female prisoner as and three male prisoners going to Texas. Ten guards watching each of them. They are locked to the floors chain wise. Guards sit behind them and facing them at all times.
Guard Davis
We finally see the bus with the out of state prisoners that are being transferred to us and as we start to move the prisoners blood appears on one of the female prisoners and then another one we can't find cover and it is an ambush. Sirens are blaring and I see at least two prisoners are dead, if they aren't they soon will be. I hear that they aren't sure where the sniper is but it was a professional hit. Only two prisoners were shot and killed a bullet right between their eyes. We check the roster as the investigators are checking who is who. Stephen and Carla Morton were the only casualties. The others were injured from hitting the deck and those were cuts and scrapes.
Anastasia has been notified of her mothers death and I think she is in shock, because she just looks ahead and says cremate her I want nothing to do with her ashes though. I tell him, her mother was a horrible parent to her. He said we have a lot of those in prison. He talks to Daniel about Stephen and his death and Daniel says burn him up. I want nothing to do with his ashes either. I tell him we will contact him about the ashes. He then tells me an attorney wants to talk to the heirs of Carla and Stephen's estate. Daniel and Anastasia walk over to Paul who has sat down and is mumbling about being free finally. All three hug each other. I have to call Olivia and tell her about her mother's death. She says that Carla was never a mother to anyone. I ask if cremation is okay and she says cremation is too good for her. She should be left for scavengers to tear her flesh from her bones. I tell her that they are cremating the bodies.
Bodies? Please tell me that creep Stephen is the other body they are cremating. Dad I am so sorry, but you know what the y put us all through. I have classes dad I need to go, give my siblings hugs and kisses. I will try to come to the bbq only because you asked me and Isabel promised me her brownie pie. Goodbye for now dad.

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