Anastasia Lambert

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I finally got away from Stephen and Carla with Paul and Daniels help, but we needed our birth certificates and that failed. Before I knew it Stephen had gotten me in a choke hold and was aiming a gun at my head, we had gotten the locked metal case that all our legal papers were kept in. He threatened to kill me if they didn't leave. They luckily hid the box and the key to it in the nap sack before Stephen woke from his drug and alcoholic stupor. Mom or Carla as she wants us to call her is out getting money for the rent and isn't doing so well. My brothers leave me with this creep I suddenly feel a needle. Darkness surrounds me.
She could die in that box and you didn't rape her did you?
No your daughter is still a virgin and I put a body chastity belt on her.
You mean that garb you got off the Internet? The cuffs, the ball gag blindfold the chains hooking her the ankle and wrist together? Plus the ear plugs?
All of them were used. I tried to find out about her, but I couldn't get past the reception area and after I came back here I called but they again refused to give out any information. Just like when we followed the ambulance to the hospital.
Dr Greene
I was called in to assure an unconscious patient wasn't a rape victim. When I arrived in the ER I couldn't believe what I was seeing. A young woman being cut out of something bearing the resemblance to a chastity outfit with locks being cut off to get the thing off her. A police woman was taking photos. Because she was not moving and nearly breathing we brought in just female assistants and nurses. I had her placed on xylene as quickly I could. We ran blood tests and after an examination it doesn't appear she was raped. I called in another two female doctors. It turns out this young lady is a virgin, we saw needle marks, but she had no old needle marks so she isn't a user. We put her in a private room per orders of Mr Christian Grey. It turns out she was in a box that was delivered to GEH. Who does that?
Jason Taylor
Mr Grey called the hospital and made sure the young lady was put in a private room and we have security watching over her. The cops have tried to get in to see her along with a couple. I had followed the ambulance and noticed a tail on us. I got someone to get behind them and make sure they keep an eye on both of the people in the car.
Dr Lynn Forester
The girl was heavily drugged and we are counteracted it and hoping we aren't too late. She hasn't moved in the last 24 hours and we finally had to vent her. She is very pale and skinny. I checked and we had to try to build up her system. So I ordered various things to help her. She looks five foot two inches and weighs maybe seventy pounds. I check and the stats from the bed and I missed it by five pounds. She weighs sixty five pounds.
I go out after Stephen is asleep and slip into the hospital to see Anastasia. I couldn't get past anyone and when I did it was police asking where the Jane Doe was so they could see if she was awake to interview. I followed them to her room, but stopped when I saw guards by the door. I go find a place where I can grab a set of scrubs and an employee badge. It didn't take long to get them and I finally slipped behind the cops. I see Anastasia lying there looking like she is nearly dead. I am so sick that I nearly throw up at the sight before me. I rush out and find my clothes and keep the badge and and the scrubs in case I want to check on her again.
I am hearing things and beeping noises. I feel someone moving me around and I can't open my eyes. I start coughing violently and hear get the vent off her now. They are telling me to cough and I do and I am watching at people running around me. I feel my body being put in a sitting position. They are telling me I am in a hospital. They are asking me questions. I can't understand what happened and why I am in the hospital.
Dr Forester
I am glad to this patient alive and breathing after I got her blood tests results back. I was also glad to see her awake. I ask her questions and she doesn't seem to recall who she is, which might be the case. She has no idea how she ended up in the hospital. The police try to enter, but mr Grey's security has insisted on seeing their credentials and if they were sent here. Apparently an employee's employee badge and scrubs were used to get past them and into the room. CCTV footage shows this. It also shows the person was in the ER shortly after the girl arrived and a man dragged her out. Then they found out he came back and left. Then she came again and left with the badge and scrubs. Her appearance was that of an older version of the girl in the bed. Security is tighter now.
We look through the cctv footage from the hospital and compare it to our footage and find it fits, along with the time frames. Then we found the footage of the person who stole the badge and the scrubs had been with the same guy who tried to get information on the Jane Doe.
Seattle Nooz
Seen in the photos below rumors have it the ambulance that was dispatched to GEH was there to pick up the young woman pictured in this box that was left for mr Christian Grey. No responses from GEH or mr Grey as to who sent him a young female much less one tied up like this one. Word has it that she is still hospitalized at Seattle Grace hospital. Police are questioning mr Grey and his employees about the mysterious gift and who sent him such a gift. One can only speculate about it. Is this a first or what? Mr Grey is a very private person, he tries to avoid all media regarding his private life. I can see now why he might want to now.
Christian Grey
Enough of this speculating, my private life doesn't consist of getting young women sent to me in boxes. How did they even get a photo much less photos of her in a box? Someone has taken the photos along with photos of the box inside of GEH. Check the cctv footage and the surrounding areas that they could have been close enough to get that kind of photo.
Yes sir, I will get Barney on it right a2ay.

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