The Search

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Detective Astrid Robbins
We go through and get the search warrant anyway. We just needed the address and the suspects names to be typed in and witnessed and the judge signed it. Christian Grey gets things done and fast. We find some very interesting things and I see the photos of the young woman in the box she was shipped in and then photos of the box sitting in the Grey house lobby. Next I see the Seattle Nooz and the card from the idiot that broke the news. Then they find needles and drugs and not just one kind but several. These are out of a stolen batch from a drugstore break in, I recognize the number lots and the drugs. I call the detective involved and tell them we have the drugs and needles but not all of them. The boys who live here are asking if they can get there things after we are done and I have their things gone over and let them have their things as we clear it all. They then ask for their sisters things and I can't let them have much. But what surprises me is that hidden in her room behind what appears to be a wall is not only books, but a college degree, well more than one degree. I saw the others had hidden their high school diplomas and Paul had one degree. Boy did I miss the mark on this one. These kids found a way to get a good education behind these two evil peoples backs. It makes me sad for them, that they had to hide this from anyone at all. I think taking photos of it is a good idea and will show what kind of kids these are and what the Morton's put them through. Have you seen there clothing and shoes yet. Look in the shoes. The shoes were held together by duct tape cardboard and I don't know what else. Mr Steels told them to leave the little clothing we found. They took everything that concerned the kids legally and photographs of the kids were hidden as well. Each had a spot in their rooms to hide things very well. Somehow Anastasia had an account she had built up money from working. There was a thousand or more in cash hidden in a glasses case. Then we found more cash in each of the brother's rooms. It was just in case they had to run from the Morton's.
We get everything we can and they hold the rest. Until the trial. Isabel says we need to get clothing and shoes for them and feed them. I had saw they were skinny. Just as we were winding things up the apartment manager walks up and asks where the Morton's were. Then he asked where Anastasia was so he could work something regarding the three months back rent her parents owed. He made a comment about taking it in favors sexual ones. Her brother's reminded me the guy was scum and he had been trying to get her to do it for some time. I decided to call the owner for the apartment complex and it has just changed into new owners hands. The cops said the new and old owner would have to allow them to investigate until they got all the evidence to put the Morton parents behind bars for what they did to Anastasia.
Let's go this is all we need from here. Just as we start to leave the detective hands life insurance policies for four people, me, Carla, Anastasia and Daniel. I look and see how much they are for and I also see a few other things. If we are murdered by an unknown assailant the amount doubles payout wise. The police officer says he needs copies of those and was trying to get a reaction from us about them and he got the response he had hoped for and it was shock and surprise. I was about to go off, but Ray stopped me and he gave the cop his number and to let him know if Carla and Stephen get out of jail because he needs to assure our safety.
All four of us walk out to the van and Ray sees someone he knows and stops and introduces us to Jason Taylor head of GEH security. After hearing the chat apparently Jason was there when they scanned the package and saw it was a women in the box and she was barely breathing. They called the ambulance and took the cuffs off her, but the ambulance had to put her on oxygen and drive her to the hospital they took photos of the box and her in it along with using rubber gloves from the time it was left in the lobby. I guess they get threats and things have been placed in the mail so everything is checked.
I asked if I could check around the apartment and Ray said it would be okay if the police okay it, because he doesn't live there I verified it with the boys and they gave me permission. I tell Ray I will need to talk to him later. We need to know what Anastasia knows and if he thought she was a victim or part of the plot. At first all three were mad, but they assured me that Anastasia had nothing to do with it. After all she nearly died. Ray said the evidence speaks for itself.
We need to buy these boys some decent clothing and shoes, along with Anastasia. Their clothing in there are all threadbare and their shoes have duct tape, cardboard and whatever they could find to hold the shoes together. But Carla and Stephen wore the best clothes and shoes. Food was non existent too.
That doesn't shock me at all. You told me about her before you finally divorced her after nearly losing your life. That made you realize life was too short to stay with her, even for the kids. Well I just buzzed by mr Grey, I need to get photos of everything, here comes Sawyer, you remember him right?
I do I wave at Sawyer and Jason says we will talk later. They walk to the apartment. That stupid manager is watching us very closely. He better not follow us.

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