Augustine Lambert

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It wasn't easy to get a flight back to Seattle after seeing a photo of my sister in a gossip rag. Her matching heart gave away her identity. It has been a month or so since that trash was printed in the rag and I finally got a letter with it inside the package someone sent me. I escaped Stephen and Carla. I called Ray and he gave me the whole story. Plus that Stephen and mom if you can call her that egg donor and sperm donors are all they are. They create and left us to our own devices and barely fed and clothed us. I stand up and look at the ten thousand dollar suit I am wearing and ask the my companion to get us food and drink before we land at SeaTac in an hour. I think about the heart shaped birthmark over my right nipple. It is exactly like Anastasia's just on the right side. I look at the photos of my family members and think Carla should have given us to Ray and Isabel. But she wanted the trust funds that came with all of us. She didn't want Olivia, because Ray made sure she couldn't get the trust he set up for their children. A lot of lies were told to us about our real fathers. Paul has no idea what the real truth is about his father and how he died. The trust paid Carla for his care and feeding until he was 21, which should be soon, I think. This trip home is to set up a company in the US and see if I can make some deals for certain properties and finally settle down with Junie bug. We finish eating and I help her clear things up. We head back to help her get cleaned up after having a little fun. Finally dressed and everything cleaned up we get ready for landing.
I watch as the Lambert jet lands and Augustine follows his security and the petite blonde is walking arm in arm with him. It is his wife Junie or June bug as he calls her. We get into the SUV and their limo follows us as the luggage is being put in a separate SUV. We make it to my place on the sound and everyone meets June bug.
June Bug
I know who is who by photos and I know several things have happened and Augustine's mother has died. Augustine was a force to reckon with. I knew he would make millions and he has, my father didn't like him at first, but then he looked into his background and he told me that he would remain faithful to the day he died to one woman. Dad had nothing to do with him becoming a millionaire. Dad was even mad because he couldn't get in on the ground floor of a lucrative business deal that keeps growing daily. I am taken to the smaller master bedroom and the luggage is waiting for us. We both unpack our things and change into casual clothing. My jean coveralls is a welcome change along with my Yale shirt.
I shake Jin's hand and see the nice coveralls when we prepare dinner along side the other members of the family. She asks me if I am suffering from PTSD from what Carla and Stephen did to me. I tell her that's not the worst thing they have done to me or her other children.
Augustine has told me a lot and he said that Anastasia would have been with him, but she stayed to protect her siblings from her mother and Stephen. We get the table set and wow sitting at a table with such a huge family is amazing. I am one of two children both of us are spoiled. Augustine said money or not taking care of your needs and cleaning up after ourselves is something we will always do no matter what. He told me that cooking, cleaning, running errands and doing laundry is part of life so if I want him I will learn all these things and get used to doing them together. My dad loved it, he said it would bring us closer together and he is right. Dad gave me away at a very small wedding on an island off the mainland in Hawaii. Isabel is very kind to me and has asked the question no one else has. When is the baby joining their big family? Augustine comes up from behind me and says we are having twin in six months. We have been married a year and five months, three days and six hours three minutes and ten seconds. I elbow him and he laughs.
Just kidding we married a year ago, our anniversary apparently is the day Carla died and we found out we are having twins. We get congratulations all around. I told June that we would be welcomed by Ray and Isobel and the rest of the family. I ask Ray if there was any real estate close to his place to build in. He hands me a card and it is Grey Architectural and Construction Co. is he related to Carrick Grey? The guy you named Grey after and saved your life?
Yes and he is the father of the guy who Stephen and Carla dropped Anastasia off in a box as a present. We are going to be going to a BBQ at their place you are both welcome to join us.
Do they know how many are descending upon them today?
Yes and we are bringing food it is being cooked as we speak. Grey is in there mixing up the brownie pies. Okay June you sit down and snap green beans if you like. Olivia will show you how, it is very simple.
It all goes very smoothly with everyone doing their part. Security is tight around us and when we arrive at the Grey home, it is very nice and family oriented at the same time. Augustine and Christian start talking business right away and Elliott has a few properties he thinks would be a great place for us. Grace and Carrick are very nice people. Mia is something else. Then there are her friends, Lord help us all.

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