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We all felt happy and at ease at first . Lucy helped Reep , one of the merry crew who was a mouse to train the crew to come on board and row at perfect intervals . you could almost hear Lucy's sweet voice instructing the sailors to maintain their posture and help row the boat . For a girl of 14 she was good and fearless . Susan on the other hand was helping Caspian and Peter to solve the map which led to many crossroads one way or the other . Well Edmund , he was sort of training the crew and I was helping the captain with proper navigation . we were all contributing towards this quest and I felt everyone's joy and merriment .

Time lapse

Everyone was awake and minding our own business when I heard sword clashes below the deck . I looked down to see Edmund and Caspian sword practicing . I smiled seeing them all having fun . Peter , Susan and Lucy had come to see them as well. I too ran down to the deck to see the young kings at their practise duel .

They both were really good slashing each other's swords on and duelling . the crew were cheering and Lucy was clapping loudly . the two kings finished off by both holding their swords at their opposers necks . the whole crowd cheered when Caspian patted Edmund on the shoulder and raise his hand . I clapped as well and I saw Lucy pull me towards Caspian , "she's good " Lucy said as everyone cheered on . i looked at Lucy, horrified "no no of course I can't ," I said as I stepped backwards . a Minotaur pushed me forwards , "let us see what you can do , daughter of Poseidon ." He said . I looked at Caspian who smiled back at me . he then called Edmund closer , "would you do the honour of battling the lady ? "He said in a funny voice of a duke . everyone laughed except me , I wasn't sure if this will end up well . "well of course " Edmund said and immediately the whole crew formed a circle around us both , giving us enough space . Edmund looked at me and smirked , he thought that he could do this easily . he raised his sword and immediately I flipped my ring , this time it turned to a mortal sword made of steel , my ring knows what kind of metal I want . the crowd gasped as we steadied our swords and started fighting. It was hard at first , I was more defending myself than attacking but I soon studied Edmund's battle pace and warmed up to it . in no time at all we were both slashing , attacking and defending. we were having a good time and I saw Edmund breaking sweat but I wasn't . I was about to attack him when he deflected my blow and we ended up holding our swords at each others necks . Edmund smiled at me and I immediately returned it back . he seemed different to me know , more sweeter and cuter . I smiled to myself , here we are on a quest and I'm having these silly thoughts . Edmund raised up my hand just as Caspian did and the whole crew cheered .

The narnians continued cheering when we were suddenly interrupted when a lotus the size of a massive sea turtle appeared on the ship , everyone stared at it . from that turtle a goddess appeared wearing a beautiful white Greek dress and a wreath over her dark hair . I immediately recognised her , "goddess Hera ?" I said , it accidentally came out as a question . the goddess spreaded out her hands , "hello Victoria , hero of Olympus and mine and Athena's champion , I'm pleased with you my child . " I heard gasps from the crowd and saw everyone's attention fall on me , again. I looked at her , "ok Hera spit it out , what do you want ? "I asked rolling my eyes . immediately everyone gasped , even the Pevensies and Caspian . Hera looked at me , "now why the temper ? " She asked looking innocent . I glared at her , "well let's not think about the times you've sent me on quests just because you think your husband is barking at the wrong tree and why not of course remind you that you got me and nico stuck in one of Hephaestus's love traps while we were on a quest ! " I said getting angrier now , Hera just smiled , "It wasn't my idea it was Aphrodite's idea , she actually thought that you and Nico will actually go out , remember what happened to our hero Perseus and Annabeth ?" I gritted my teeth ," what were you expecting ? " I asked. "Well only for nico to passionately kiss you according to Aphrodite , but I think you both are just friends ," Hera said casting a glance at Edmund . I looked at her , seriously ? She looked back at me again "never mind let bygones be bygones now I have something for you . " She said and stretched out her hand , immediately a golden mist formed and went into me , "this magic is very powerful , it like shadow travelling only more accurate , use it when only in need . this can only be used once ." she said . I looked at her doubtfully , "why are you giving me this ? " I asked , "how do you know I'll need it ? " The goddess smiled , "well narnia is a Greek land ,Aslan rules here although it's only the first time a Greek god has ever visited , " Hera said , "and consider what I gave you as a gift for all my past , uh ' failures ' " she said as if she hadn't done anything wrong . " Until then my champion and hero of Olympus , continue your quest . " Hera said as she disappeared just the same way she came along with the massive lotus .

The crowd looked at me dumbfounded , I was getting angrier now . I turned on my heels and went into the main room . the Pevensies and Caspian followed .

"U ugh does every God or goddess think I like it ? " I said as I sat on the chair and rubbed my temples . Susan and Lucy came and sat beside , Caspian and the others took a seat as well . "how come she visited you ? "Peter asked after we were quiet for some time .

"Every god and goddess has the right to , "
"But don't they visit in person ?" Edmund asked .
"Well they like to boast their title , " I said
"Your a hero of Olympus ?" Lucy asked .
I looked at her "sort of ." i shrugged .
"Wow ! " Susan said , "your a champion of two goddesses "
I looked at her , seriously ? "You have no idea how it feels . " I said sarcasm in my voice
"How do you actually be chosen as a champion of the gods ?" Caspian asked .
"Well they chose you according to your bravery and qualities , I don't know for what reason the queen of Olympus has chosen me , only reason I know Athena chose me is because I have the talent in battle strategy . " I said looking down at my feet .
"You must be very important in Olympus " Edmund said "with all Aphrodite love trap and all. " He said with humour edged in his voice .
"You don't shut it right now , I'll pray for her to make you fall in love with a Minotaur now " I said and immediately everyone erupted in laughter and Edmund joined in as well . I felt kind of good laughing after a long time .

We were all deep in conversation when the captain came running to our room and shouted , "your highnesses , you got to see this ! " He said as we all ran out to see someone sprawled on the deck unconscious .

Hey guys

Love the cliff hanger , I'm gonna leave you with it for a while considering I did two updates today * laughs in an evil tone * hope you guys enjoy it so,far and I'm really happy that many of you are reading my story , that was more than I expected . anyways vote and comment . byeeeee

Hugs xxx
Venessa 👍

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