1 - Where Everything Flows

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A/N: I have broken through Liverpool boundaries and found inspiration in the not so distant land of Manchester. My new muse with his decidedly outlandish behaviour is a far cry from soft-hearted George. To bring his character to life will be an adventure in itself and I hope you embark on it with me.

This story is set in 1993/1995 and revolves solely around Liam.
I have tried to make it as historically accurate as possible. If any inaccuracies found, kindly overlook it :)

Warning: Very strong language used (we're dealing with LG after all)

Let's get on with it shall we?


April, 1993

Friday night was going as well as one would expect in this uneventful part of Manchester.

I was reading my book while sprawled on the living room couch, my brother Seth was out playing football in the front park, my aunt Rita was out on a date and I had the whole house to myself.

The stillness of the house didn't bother me. In fact, I rather enjoyed it.

I reached out for my bag of chips and was about to turn another page when the bell rang. I glanced at the clock.

Neither Seth nor my aunt were gonna be home for a couple of hours. So it had to be Gina. She had promised to meet me tonight after her lunch with Liam.

I walked to the door, expecting to see my best friend wearing her toothy smile and maybe sporting a few hickeys across her neck.

What I wasn't expecting however were her red eyes and tear streaked cheeks.


"You were right Lia". Her voice was hoarse but there was a hint of sarcasm to it. "He cheated on me. With that whore...th-that Emma. You were right all along".

Her face crumpled right after and it was all I could do to not race across town and smash Liam Gallagher's face.

I pulled her into my house, letting her soak her tears against my shoulder. I was mad beyond a reasonable doubt. But I couldn't just leave Gina in this condition.

The last time I saw her cry was when we were thirteen. Her kitten was hit by a speeding car and had died instantly. Gina was inconsolable for three whole days.

I hadn't hugged her back then, probably because I was a little awkward with emotions myself at that age and was too afraid to go to her house in those three tumultuous days. Also, I wanted to give her time, like any good friend would.

When I did meet her eventually, she hugged me and I remember standing in the foyer, awkwardly patting her back and exchanging pitiful glances with her mom.

I wasn't that awkward friend today. I allowed her to sob onto my shoulder until she was spent. When she pulled away, I offered her my chips and put away my book.

I knew chips wouldn't do. This girl needed a bucket of ice cream. I made a mental note to take her out later.

"Gina...tell me what happened. What did he do?"

"I told you...he cheated on me. Like the right bastard you always told me he was. God, I feel so stupid...All this time, him and Emma-", her voice caught at that and I gritted my teeth.

"Fuck Emma. Just tell me what happened. How did it happen, how did you-catch him...?"

"I caught them getting off at the back of the pub where Paul told me he'd be. Real nice of Paul too. You should have seen his face Lia. I would have laughed out myself if the situation wasn't so horrible..."

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