10 - Your Outside Is In

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In honour of LG's new album release, here's an earlier update than usual. Enjoy them both :)


London was meant to feel like a breath of fresh air. However, it did little to ease the troubling thoughts in my head.

I couldn't tell Gina what had happened. I couldn't bring myself to. It was painful enough for me so I couldn't imagine what she'd make of it, Liam being her ex and all.

But bottling it up just made me miserable. I wanted to rant about my feelings to someone and my best friend, despite living with me, never felt so unreachable before.

My ten days of glory shrivelled quickly. Before I knew it, I was on the flight back home. I hadn't felt such trepidation, not even on my first flight to Manchester several years ago. I felt like I was diving into something unknown and I wasn't going to emerge unscathed from it.

The first order of business was to deal with Rob. As much as I hated to admit it, I had been wanting to break up with him for a while now, especially since his protectiveness began to remind me a lot of Seth.

The night after I arrived, I sat him down at the same bar where we first met. He looked apprehensive, like he could sense what the meeting was about. I was relieved when he took it in stride.

"Is it because you saw me with Emma that day? Or it it because of that argument in the car?", he asked after I was done saying my part.

"No, it's not about either of those things. It's just what I have been feeling for a while now. I don't think it's fair that I string you along when I don't feel the same anymore. I'm sorry it has to be this way Rob, but we're better off without each other."

He idly stirred his tea while I tapped my foot against the linoleum floor, glancing at my wrist watch. We were just fifteen minutes into this meeting yet I already wanted to go home.

"Okay...okay Lia, I'm glad you could be honest about it."

I hadn't been completely honest but I nodded anyway. He proceeded to tell me he was sorry, for everything and that he'd always love and miss me.

"We'll still be friends okay?" I gave his hand a little squeeze. 

He looked a bit hurt when I didn't reciprocate his sentiments but he still nodded along.

After a few more painful moments together, we finally waved each other goodbye. And honestly, the walk home that day felt liberating.


"You broke up with him didn't you?"

I didn't acknowledge Seth's greeting upon arriving home. I just settled onto the living room couch with my book and didn't look his way.

I expected a lecture to follow but he merely sighed.

"I'm glad you did. You haven't been the happiest with him have you?"

I nodded, skimming through the book's pages.

"And neither has he to be honest. Especially not after you compared him with me."

"It's the truth...", I said, without looking up. "You and him are far too alike. And I also hated how he reported everything back to you, like some fucking informant. Made me feel like I was being spied on."

Seth chuckled, "Yeah, sorry about that. I shouldn't have encouraged him to do that."

I didn't join in his laughter, choosing instead to glare at him.

"I am old enough to sort my shit out y'know. I don't need you or any other man to sort it out for me."

"Yes I know, Lia", he hummed. "You aren't a baby anymore. You are a big girl, well capable of handling yourself and your mishaps. But in my eyes, you'll always be my baby sister, and I'll always be looking out for you. Even if it means you hate me forever for it."

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