9 - Made A Fool Of Everyone

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I found myself in Sifters later that day, sans Gina. I already had a record in mind that I wanted to pick for her but after my encounter with Noel, I figured I should pick something for him as well.

I used to come to Sifters often with Liam. While Gina and I loved music, Liam and I were mad for it. With our shared interest in The Beatles, we bonded extremely well within the aisles of this music store.

I thought about him now and smiled wistfully. He would have been jogging around corners, pulling up vinyl records and pretending to juggle them. A mad lad really. He made me laugh more than anyone ever did in Manchester.

"My Julia..." He had murmured to me last night. I wanted so much to disregard his alcohol induced honesty.

Yet every time I replayed those moments between us, my heart skipped a beat.

Liam Gallagher certainly knew how to put a spell on someone. I'd know, I have been trying to escape it for three years now.

I picked up the Stones' Tattoo You vinyl and put it in my basket. Then I moved towards the Beatles row to pick something for Noel. I wasn't sure what bands he liked but I reckoned he was a Beatles fan like Liam. I leafed through the vinyls before finally deciding on the White album, my own favourite.

As I was about to go to the cashier's, something in the far corner of the store caught my eye. It was hard to miss Rob's head, especially since he was quite tall. I watched him leaning down to talk to someone. A familiar giggle was faintly heard.

I would recognize that whore's giggle anywhere.

I stormed down the aisle to find my boyfriend huddled next to Emma, huddled way too close that is, their clasped hands sifting through records together. The scene was almost domestic, almost, if it wasn't for the fact that Emma was a fucking whore and Rob was on his way to becoming one himself.

I laughed loudly, grabbing both their attention. Rob dropped her hand like it had burned him while Emma gazed innocently at me.

"Oh don't mind me please...", my voice dripped with sarcasm. I looked Emma square in the eye, "I was looking for some assistance myself but it looks like your hands are full. Full of bullshit that is."

I turned my stern gaze to Rob then, "Nice to know you signed up for whoring lessons. I'm sure you'll pass with flying colors. See you 'round the clubs."

With this, I paid for my stuff and walked out the store without another glance.


Despite the increasing friction between Rob and I, I still had to invite him to Gina's farewell party at the pub. It was going to be her last night in Manchester and I wasn't going to be a prick and ruin it for her.

Our initial dating days were great but now, it had definitely soured. I don't know who or what contributed to the sourness. Regardless, I was rapidly losing sight of a possible future with him.

Friday night came sooner than expected. I headed to the pub with Seth. So far, he hadn't lectured me on being an ungrateful girlfriend to Rob. And I was hoping to God he didn't bring it up in the near future either.

The party went without a hitch. There were drinks, laughter, games and towards the end of the night, tears too. Gina hugged me several times that night, until I had to finally tell her my big secret.

I intended to go to London with her. For two weeks at least.

She squealed loudly causing many heads to turn towards us. From across the room, Seth gave me a knowing yet curt smile. He was the first person I had told my plan to and being the protective brother that he is, he wasn't keen on it.

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