20 - Let Me See You Smile

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Around four am, I woke up to a mix of anxiety and contentment brewing in my heart. I sat on the bed, silently processing the onslaught of emotions while Liam snored softly behind me.

I grabbed my shirt from the floor, putting it on before trudging out the room. Taking a water bottle from the fridge, I was mid sip when Noel's voice nearly made me spill.

"So you two shagged again?"

I whirled around to see him standing by the couch, head cocked to one side.

"You scared me to death Noel! Is this how you greet people in the middle of the night?"

"I didn't come here for a meet an' greet, I came here to pick up some of my stuff. I couldn't do it when he fuckin' kicked me out last night."

"Why are you always fighting with your brother?"

"Good question. You should ask our kid when he wakes up."

He made to leave the room with his few belongings but I wasn't done with him.

"You told him to sing 'Julia' for me?"

He made a non committal grunt, looking down at the cigarettes in his hand.

"He was fuckin' going on about it for hours until I finally suggested we make a tape."

He could try to act indifferent all he wanted but I knew he cared more than he wanted to admit.

"That was pretty sweet of you Noel. I really loved it. Thank you."

When he looked up, I saw no underlying contempt in his eyes.

"Our kid is used to taking people lightly", he remarked conversationally. "I was amazed really when he split from tha' posh bird. It was after he broke the news that I realized for once in his life, he was pretty fuckin' serious about someone, tha' being you of course."

The anxious bout I was experiencing melted under his words.

"Do you really think he...cares?"

He let out an incredulous laugh.

"Do I fuck? What more proof do you need? He broke up with Patsy and he sent you that tape. He's put in more fuckin' efforts for you than he does for fuckin' rehearsals. More importantly, you trusted your gut and you came here. It goes to show that you care about him too."

"I know he's gone out of his way, hunting me down in Boston, singing that song, bringing me back here...it's all a lot really. But -" My voice trailed off into pleading undertones. "Do you think he'll....break my heart someday?

Noel pondered it for a beat.

"I can't tell you that Julia", he said quietly. "I would 'ope not, considering the fucking pain we all went through for this. What I will tell you is tha' he needs you. I don't know if you do, but he fuckin' does. You're good for him, do y'know wha' I mean?"

"I don't know Noel, being good isn't enough. He's had better birds that he's been in love with. What makes me -"

"Wha' love?", he cut me off with a scoff. "Sure he's shagged plenty of birds before, but I don't think he understands wha' love is. Our kid doesn't do romance."

Similar words had been uttered by Liam long ago. The memory of it made me sigh.

"But from what I 'ave seen over the months", he continued thoughtfully, " I'd say what he feels for you is pretty fuckin' close to it."

I glanced down, feeling my cheeks warm at his words. Noel chuckled softly.

"Fuckin' hell. it sounds absurd when I say it out loud. Liam in love. Wha's next, flying fuckin'- ",

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