6 - Alright I'm Waiting Dear

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I was at work the next day when the call came in from Gina. She sounded frantic.

"Julia! It's happening! I'm finally moving to London!"

"What? Gina, what are you talking about?"

"The job I told you about remember? I called them up a while ago. They said I could come down by the end of the week and start my shift from next week!"

"End of week? Bloody hell, that's too soon!"

"I know! Can you believe it's finally happening?"

I couldn't. My best friend was calling me at work to tell me she was leaving town in less than seven days. I couldn't believe it.

"Listen, I'm at work right now and I can't really talk. But I'll see you tonight, yeah? At our place?"

"Yes of course! Sorry I called you at work. I got too excited. See you soon!"

With this, she clicked off and I sighed. This was a long time coming. She had been putting off going to London because of Liam. But now that he wasn't in the picture, she was free to do her will. She could finally go.

I was excited for her but at the same time, I was losing my one good friend in Manchester. It sucked to think of it.

When I saw her later that night, I put up my best face and hugged her tight.

"I'm so proud of you Gina", I whispered into her ear. "You're finally going to make a life for yourself." In response, she only hugged me tighter.

We sat in our favorite cafe, going over all the things that had to be done within the week. There was so much to do and so little time. I was so caught up in her news that I totally forgot to tell her about the apology note I left for Liam.

I only remembered when I saw him saunter into the cafe, surprisingly alone. His eyes met mine briefly before he slid into a booth a few tables away with his back turned to me.

Gina hadn't noticed him since she was facing me. She continued talking about her London plans and I paid extra attention to her. It was hard to fully ignore Liam's presence though especially when he was so quiet. He usually made his presence known wherever he went.

Feeling weirdly uncomfortable, I excused myself to the loo. It was all the way at the back and I was grateful for the privacy.

Not too long after I shut the door, it opened again and in walked Liam, like he was habituated to entering the ladies' room on a daily basis.

I stared at him, unsure of what to say. He stared back, a beat too long for my comfort. The scowl was barely present but that didn't make the intensity of his eyes any less.

"Come to the park after you're done with your fuckin' chit-chat here." He finally said without mirth. Then he walked out just as quickly as he had come in.

When I exited the loo moments later, he was gone.


Unfortunately, I never made it to the park. Rob came looking for me when Gina and I were leaving the cafe. After exchanging brief hugs, Gina excitedly gave him her news.

"Bloody hell, Gina", Rob whistled. "First, you break up with Liam. Then you move to London. You're on a fucking roll here, woman!"

"What can I say Rob, maybe the break up brought me a world of luck."

I patted her shoulder, "This wasn't good luck Gina, This was simply an opportunity you put on hold for far too long."

"Damn right she is!", Rob chuckled. "What are we waiting here for? Let's go out for drinks! Tis' the night to be merry and drunk."

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