3 - In The Thick Of It

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Rita always told me I didn't have to work immediately after I graduated. 

"Enjoy a bit darling", she said once, taking a short drag of her cigarette. "You've got to work hard for the rest of your life anyway so might as well enjoy these little interludes."

I paid no attention to her words. I wasn't going to be holed up in my room all the time. I wanted to earn my bucks and carve a life for myself, one that didn't involve constant dependence on my aunt.

So right after graduation, I applied at various companies and firms. Gina nabbed a job in London as salesperson for a record store whereas my credentials won me a decent assistant job at a consultancy firm right here in Manchester.

Liam wasn't happy with Gina's job. He himself was always changing jobs. Right now, he was on his third job, working at this Irish building firm that occasionally dealt with British Gas. As devoted as Gina was to a steady work life, Liam was just as uncaring.

The last I heard of his working life was Gina complaining about him slacking off due to 'band sessions'. I remember scoffing at that. He had been in a band for a long time now but had hardly made headway.

Gina invited me to their practice sessions a few times but I only attended one of them. After that, I couldn't be arsed to go again.

Work life was pretty well. The pay was alright but certainly not enough to live off of. Seth had a better paying job than me but he vehemently stuck to Rita. I guess he felt like he owed it to her to take care of her. 

Not me though. I knew I wanted an out. This wasn't going to be my permanent job but until I found something better, it would have to do.

I worked six days a week, leaving my nights free for hobbies and hang outs. I didn't frequent the pub every night. In fact, I only started going more when I began dating Rob a few weeks ago.

Rob was one of Seth's school mates. We met during a party Seth had thrown recently. He was the most handsome guy in the room and I was drawn to him instantly. The attraction was mutual and we ended up talking and flirting the entire night. He asked me to be his girl a month later.

We both worked the same hours during the day so we met during the nights. Gina sometimes tagged along. We even double dated with her and Liam a few times. 

Rob never got along well with Liam, probably because they were kinda different. He hated Liam's guts and his loud mouth and I'm pretty sure I have heard Liam calling Rob "a fuckin' knobhead" on more than one occasion.

Rob was going to be glad when he heard of the breakup. Gina planned to tell him tonight at the usual cafe we met right after work.

Sure enough, he smiled when she broke the news. I rolled my eyes and elbowed him in the stomach.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"You're supposed to be comforting her, not smiling at her pain you ass."

"Well I'm sorry Lia but the way I see it, good riddance!"

I glanced at Gina and saw the forced smile on her face. I nudged Rob and he tried again.

"I'm sorry to hear about that Gina. Would you like me to go smash the dickhead's face after we are done here?"

"Erm, that won't be necessary love." I quickly replied. 

Gina's eyes sharpened at me and I took a sip of my drink.

"You went to his house last night didn't you?"

There was no point in denying the truth. The growing smirk on my face was the only response she needed.

I expected her to lecture me on the morals of non violence. But when I saw a small smile on her face, the little guilt I felt in slapping Liam went out the window.

"Shit! You beat him up, Lia? Liam got beat up by a girl?" Rob was in splits, bending his head and convulsing with laughter.

"I didn't beat him up. I just slapped him that's all."

"Thanks Lia. That actually makes me feel better", Gina's grateful smile turned to that of concern. "I hope he didn't do anything to you though?"

"Nope", I popped the p, "He wouldn't dream of hitting a girl in his mam's house."

Since it was Friday night, the three of us sat at the cafe until late night, drinking and talking about things that didn't revolve around Liam. By the time we piled into Rob's car, we were in slightly drunk but happy spirits.

Rob dropped off Gina at her place before he drove us to mine. It was dark by the time we pulled up by my house. I figured Rita had retired to bed. Seth had a football match that night so he would be out late.

"I hope Gina isn't hurt too bad." Rob said as he walked me to my door. "That guy is not worth the trouble or the heart ache honestly."

"It only happened yesterday so she's obviously still hurt. She'll get over it with time. I hope she finds someone better when she goes to London."

Rob hummed in agreement. I stopped at the door and turned towards him. Smiling, I stood on my toes to make up for the six inch height difference and kissed him. It was a sweet good night's kiss.

After waving him off, I closed the door and headed to my room upstairs. As expected, Rita was fast asleep while Seth's room was empty. This match was an important one apparently.

I began to get ready for bed. My night routine was just a ten minutes tenure of brushing my teeth and hair, and applying moisturizer on my arms and legs. After I was done, I switched off the light and tucked myself into bed.

Before I could fall into a fitful sleep, a loud crash rang in my room, making me jump a foot on my bed.

"The fuck was that?!"

Despite my own fright, I first ran out to the hall and peeked into Rita's room. Luckily, she was still asleep. Then I hurried back and switched the lights on in my room.

There was a hole in the middle of my window. On the floor, a black rock lay in the midst of the glass shards. A note was tied haphazardly to it with black letters scrawled all around it. 

Even without untying the note, I could make out what it said.

Fuck you Harris.

Stepping around the mess on the floor, I approached my broken window. And sure enough, I saw the culprit standing outside, his face turned upwards. There was enough streetlight to make out who it was. 


When he saw me, he raised his hand in a crude V sign. Then he blew smoke into the night air and laughed. Bewildered, I watched him stomp over the little flowers in Rita's front yard before letting out another laugh. 

On the other side of the street, a run down van that I recognized to be Paul's, or 'Bonehead' as he was called, waiting for him to finish his business.

After he was done, which took less than a minute really, he trotted towards the van. I stared mutely from the window, trying to process what had just happened. 

He turned one last time to send a smirk my way, before jumping into the van. No sooner did he slam the door shut, it roared to life and pulled out of the street.

I watched it until its tail lights disappeared from my view. 


A filler chapter. Things are gonna pick up from here on so stay tuned :)

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