5 - Blue Mist Round My Soul

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"Hi honey, I wasn't expecting you to be back so soon."

I gave my aunt an unintentional withering look as I stepped into the house. "I had to sort something out. Where is Seth?"

"He is in his room. Is everything okay Lia? How was the gig?"

I forced a smile. "The gig was fine. And yes everything's okay Rita. I just need to have a word with him."

"Well okay. The both of you come for breakfast soon. I'm making scrambled eggs and toast. Then I'll have to go to the office again."

"But it's the weekend isn't it?", I remarked absently as I headed upstairs.

"Yeah but I was called in. Hurry on then love. I'll see you two in a few."

I didn't knock on Seth's door. I was going to shake him awake if he wasn't already. Luckily, Seth was sitting up on his bed when I barged in. He stared at me for a while, waiting for me to drop the ball first. Which of course, I did.

"Do you know what I woke up to this morning Seth? Noel Gallagher going off at me."


"Yes really. Do you know why Seth?"

He shook his head as he pulled his shirt on. I stared hard at him.

"You don't why Noel took the pain of coming to his brother's ex's place to shout at someone he hardly knows?"

"No. And he better not pull that shit again. Going around shouting at girls and all that. I punched his brother and I can just as well punch him too."

"What the hell is wrong with you?", I exploded. "Last I checked you couldn't even hurt a fly. And now you have gone and beat someone up. Who are you and what have you done with my brother?"

"Don't be so dramatic Lia", he grumbled. "I didn't beat that bastard up, even I know he isn't worth it. I was walking back home and he was standing in the middle of the street with his friends, pissed off his head, yelling random shit. I wouldn't have even gone near him if I hadn't heard him cussing you out."

I remained unfazed. "Cussing me out? What for?"

"You know exactly what for Julia. Don't tell me you think I'm daft enough to not know you slapped him the other day. Rob tells me everything you know."

Ah, I should have known. Rob was his friend first before he became my boyfriend. I should have known those two shared tales over a pint.

Now wasn't the time to get annoyed with Rob though. I made a mental note to deal with him later.

"I don't understand why you have to get up close and personal with him. I mean, it's understandable if Gina takes a stand. But I don't see why you made it your job to slap him."

"It's because she couldn't tell him off like I did. If anything, I did her a favour."

"And breaking your window is how the favour was repaid. What else are you gonna do Lia?"

Of course, the window. I never told him it was Liam. I pinched my temple between my forefingers before looking back at him.

"Liam was going on about getting slapped by 'a stuck up American bitch' and how she deserved to have her window broken. You think I am stupid enough to not put two and two together?"

"What else did he say?", I was hoping he hadn't let slip the scene at the gig because then, I would be in more hot water than I was already in with Seth.

When Seth's face darkened, I deflated a bit. But what he said next wasn't what I expected.

"He was calling you names - names that I wouldn't repeat. It got me so mad Julia, I swear I saw red."

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