18 - Good To Be Back Home

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"Lia? What in the - when did you come back?"

Gina stared down my best attempt at an apologetic smile.

"I just got really tired walking around backstage, what with the jet lag and everything. Figured I'd call it an early night."

"So...you just - came back here alone?"

"Yeah I did."

She continued to gape at me. "You're telling me Liam just let you go? Did you even meet him?"

"I told him I was going back early and he wasn't too pleased about it but he still let me go."

"So you're going to stay the second night then, yeah?"


"They are doing a second gig at Earl's court. You knew that right?" She gave me a weird look.

"No, no I didn't. But I don't think I will be going so...it's okay"


We fell into an awkward silence. I wrung my hands in my lap, my back against the headboard, looking down, at the walls, anywhere so as to avoid Gina's sharp eyes.

"Julia...", she began in a tone I knew too well. "Where is your pass? I don't see it around here."

"I binned it on my way here", I confessed. There was no point in denying the truth. Gina was too smart to be fooled.

"Are you alright, Lia? Did something happen?"

I finally looked up with a weary sigh.

"I met Patsy." The words left a bitter taste in my mouth.

"Oh..." Understanding dawned on her face. "Lia, did she tell you some -"

"Listen, can we do this tomorrow? I really don't feel like talking about it right now." 

Neither was I in a mood to be lectured or pitied upon. Thankfully, Gina was not one to persist when I succumbed to glumness.

She sat on the edge of my bed and placed a hand on my shoulder, stroking it absent-mindedly.

"...Yes of course, I understand."

The words do you really were on the tip of my tongue before I swallowed them. I was moping over the same guy who cheated on her years ago. No one could understand how I felt better than her.

"It's good you binned the pass, Lia."

I was relieved to hear no trace of sympathy in her voice.

"I know."

"Do you wanna go to Manchester tomorrow? You know, since we are getting this extra day we might as well go there and spend time with your aunt. You'll feel better there. Trevor could drive us."

At this, I looked up and smiled gratefully. I really didn't deserve a friend like her.

"I'd love nothing more", I said, grabbing her hand and giving it a little squeeze.

She accepted my smile with one of her own. Then with a purposeful stride, she left the room to inform Trevor of the change in plans.


I certainly felt better when we went back to Manchester.

Nothing had changed in two years, except my fondness for it I guess. I no longer loved it as much, not after Seth had passed.

And certainly not after leaving behind a love that could have been.

Rita hugged me tightly in the foyer. She hadn't changed one bit except for her blonde hair, a contrast to my dark brown, which was now streaked with thin white strands. She showed me around the house and I was a bit pleased to see my room had remained untouched. 

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