4 - Damn Good Whacking

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I cleaned the mess in my room and disposed of it before either member of the house could take notice.

It was surprising how Rita never came to check in last night. At the same time, I was relieved. I didn't want her to panic over something as pedestrian as a bad boy in town.

Speaking of which, I was still furious and I planned on taking revenge. Just how, I would soon decide.

Seth met me at the breakfast table as I came downstairs.

"Alright Seth? How was the match?"

"It was awesome. Our team won 3-1. It was a pretty fair match, considering most of the players were pissed off their heads."

"Really? How do you reckon that one?"

"They all came straight from the pub to play."

"Nice. Way to be serious about the match."

"That's the lads for you."

I grabbed a toast for myself and hurried towards the front door but not before Seth's voice stopped me .

"Julia...why is is there a big hole in your window?"


"Did you not notice? There's a big hole in the window of your room. What have you been doing to it?"

"Uh, there were some lads who were rough housing across the street last night. It was quite by accident, they didn't mean to break my window."

Seth narrowed his eyes. He clearly didn't buy it. But I didn't have time to sort it out with him. I was getting late for work.

"We'll talk about it tonight yeah? I gotta rush. See ya!"

With this, I bounded out the door and headed straight for work.


"What the fuck? When did this happen?"

"Last night, right after Rob dropped me home."

I kicked a stone out of the way and glared at it as it rolled past. In my peripheral vision, I could see Gina shaking her head in disbelief.

"Y'know I'm not even surprised. If it was anyone else, I would have been. But this is just typical Liam behavior." Her brows creased in worry as she turned to me.

"I feel partly responsible for this Lia. You shouldn't have gone to his house that night. Now he's got a bone to pick with you and he's gonna stop at nothing until he fucks you up."

"Gina, the night I slapped him was one of the best nights of my life. That prick had it coming. So don't tell me I shouldn't have done it when I have got no regrets about it."

"But Lia, what if he does something more? And now that you think you should one up him, I feel like this fight is going to get worse. Just leave it be, he's not worth the trouble. You're both even now."

"Even? Gina, I slapped him. And he broke my window. We are NOT even. I am not gonna let this one slide. I don't care what happens, I'm definitely gonna get back at him."

We stopped by a bench. Gina looked at me in exasperation.

"And how do you plan on doing that, huh? You're gonna break into his house and smash his head with a beer bottle and get the coppers called on you?"

"No, quite the opposite actually. I'm going to go to an Oasis gig and watch him sing."


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