7 - My Position Is Tragic

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Liam was the first to break the silence. "Hello Miss Rita. I 'aven't seen you's in a long time."

"What in the world are you doing here, Liam?", she asked in bewilderment. "At this time of the night too. Lia, what is going on here?"

"Oh your niece 'ere offered to clean me bruises up. I got thrashed at this pub we were at so she brought me 'ere to nurse me."

"What thrashing? And why would she nurse you? Where's Gina?"

It dawned on me then that I had never told her about Liam and Gina's break up. The clogs of my brain worked quickly,

"Gina wasn't there, she had some work. We went to the pub together. Liam got into a bit of scuffle with a few older lads so I brought him back here to dab a bit of ice on his bruises."

She stared hard between us while we stared back with bated breaths. Then she finally sighed,

"Liam, you're getting too old for squabbles and all that. Do stay clear of trouble would you? None of us would like to see your pretty face tainted", she added the last bit with a hesitant chuckle.

Liam grinned, "Don't worry about me Rita. I take care of meself very well."

He slung an arm around my shoulder and I almost shuddered at the move.

"And with people like her around, I know me is well cared for."

Rita smiled and shook her head.

"Yes I'm pretty sure about that. Head home soon okay? It's getting pretty late. And Lia, you've got work tomorrow."

"I know Rita. I'll just clean up this mess and send this lad on his way home."

"Alright then. Goodnight you two. And stay out of trouble young lad."

Liam gave her a two finger salute. She smiled in response and went back upstairs.

I turned towards him only to find him staring back. It was the same intense stare he had favoured me with back at the ladies' loo. His arm remained around my shoulder until I shrugged it off.

"Your bruises are going to get worse by tomorrow", I said, turning my back to him as I washed the cloth at the sink. "Hopefully, they won't ache as much as they did tonight."

"What if they do? Can I come to you for a cold bath then, nurse Harris?"

"No, you cannot. And I am not your fucking nurse Liam."

I was suddenly spun around, my hands landing on his chest. I looked up and there it was again, that bloody look. A smile formed on his lips and I hated how it made me feel like my sixteen year self.

"But you are", he insisted, his hands resting on my forearms. "You make it all better. Just like you made it better last night."

"What did I do last night?", I asked confusedly.

He tutted, "You wrote me a fuckin' apology note remember?"

"Really? I thought you couldn't be fucked with mail posts like that."

"Oh come on Julia, I was taking the piss and you know it."

"Well, stop doing it then. I don't like your stupid jokes."

"Alright, how about the truth then?", he leaned closer, a gleam in his cadet blue eyes, "I think you're pretty too."

"You're taking the piss again", I muttered.

"I'm not. I don't care if you give fuck all to me words. I'm only stating the fuckin' truth."

He didn't end his statement with a customary wink. The small smirk on his face was beginning to unnerve me.

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