14 - I'm Coming Down Fast

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Liam was dead weight. His clothes reeked of booze and cigarette smoke as I dragged him across the floor, holding him half up by his arms. I managed to drag him as far as the living room before letting go with a huff.

I stood over him for the longest time, taking in the sight of him. He looked so beautiful in his sleep that it made my head spin. How could he look so serene after upturning my entire day like this? It was just unfair.

My own eyes grew droopy. I debated between heading back to the bedroom or sleeping right there in the living room. My need to keep an eye on Liam won out and I collapsed upon the couch.

Despite my tiredness, it was hard to fall back asleep. There were too many questions racing in my head. Why did Liam come here? How did he find my address? How did Noel know my number? What was going to happen after he woke up?

I listened to his soft snores, willing myself to drift off but I just couldn't. I wanted to shake him awake and start grilling him right away. At the same time, I couldn't bring myself to wake him when he was so dead to the world.

I eventually passed out, only waking up when I heard a classic Gallagher expletive spill out.

"Fuckin' hell", the voice sounded from the floor. I blinked drowsily until my head was clear enough to process my surroundings. Then I leaned over the couch to look at the source of profanity.

Liam's eyes were squeezed shut. There were light beads of sweat forming across the side of his head. A low whimper escaped his lips, making me realize he was having a nightmare.

Without a moment's hesitation, I stuck out my hand and brushed his bangs soothingly. He flinched at the initial touch. But as I continued to stroke his forehead, his whimpers slowly yet surely gave way to soft breathing.

I watched him rest easy under my caress, soaking up his warmth as much as I could. Once I was convinced that he was no longer in the throes of his nightmare, I lightly shook his shoulder.

"Liam? Liam - wake up. You're okay."

Cadet blue eyes shot open at my voice. I swiftly retracted my hand and stared back, equally wide-eyed.

He blinked at me once, then twice.

"Am I dreaming?"

"Not anymore", I replied quietly. "You were having a bad dream I think. I had to wake you up."

His eyes fell shut as he shook his head, shaking away the last remnants of his dream. I briefly wondered what it could have been about before standing up.

"My fuckin' 'ead is doing me in", he groaned from the floor. "Give us a pill or summat, yeah?"

Wordlessly, I went and retrieved a bottle of painkillers from my room. I grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen on my way back. Sitting back on the couch, I mutely handed it to him.

He sat up on the floor so his shoulder was level with my knees. He gazed up at me with a slightly open mouth. It was funny how easily I understood what he meant.

I picked the pill between my forefingers and carefully placed it in his mouth. He tilted his head back as I brought the glass to his lips, swallowing the pill in one gulp.

"Thank you, nurse Harris." He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

The nickname threatened to bring old memories to the forefront of my mind. It was a good thing I looked away before he could catch the wistful gleam that had no doubt formed in my eyes.

I went to the kitchen, holding the now empty glass in hand. Liam followed me seconds later. The smell from his clothes hit my nostrils, indicating how close he stood as I tended to the previous night's dishes.

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