16 - Happiness Is A Warm Gun

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Back when I was sixteen, I often heard stories about how Liam was in bed. It was an unavoidable topic, especially when the girls he shagged were mostly from our school. The stories weren't always favourable. The one common thread in them was that the great Liam Gallagher was a selfish lover.

Yet there was nothing selfish in the way he treated me tonight.

The way he threw my legs against his shoulders, going down on me like a man who hadn't eaten in days, the way he thrust into me; long, deep thrusts that made it hard for me to maintain eye contact. Not once did he look away, catching every moan that tumbled from my lips, keen on watching me unravel before his very eyes.

I initially thought that he would be rough, finishing himself with short, hard thrusts before pulling out. There were sporadic moments of great need that resulted in bite marks across my chest. But they were accompanied with tender kisses that nullified any sort of rough handling.

Within the course of a few hours, he had ravished me like no other man ever had.

As I stood before the mirror in the bathroom, I was aware of my deliciously aching limbs and the soreness between my legs. The sight of the hickeys strewn around my collarbone just made my face flush more.

I looked and felt positively loved. I didn't think that was possible after being with a 'selfish lover'.

I switched off the lights and crept out of the bathroom. In the meagre street light filtering through the window, I could make out the firm outline of Liam's hip. He was lying on his side, sleeping peacefully. It was the sound sleep of a man who had made a woman come several times in his arms.

Strangely, we didn't cuddle after the deed. He was out like a light the moment he rolled off. I didn't resent him for it because I could gaze at him unperturbed, memorizing his beauty in the little time I had left with him.

"Sleeps like an angel and sings like one too", I mumbled, stroking the still sweaty bangs across his forehead. Then in a sudden burst of fondness, I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his.

When he didn't flinch, I smiled wistfully and moved to my side of the bed.

I lay facing him, eyes roaming all over before landing on the hand beside his head. I stared at it for a couple of seconds before snaking mine forward and entangling my fingers with his.

The last thing I remember before falling asleep was his fingers tightening around mine.


I opened my eyes to an empty space beside me. I blinked rapidly at it before sitting up. The movement caused my limbs to ache, reminding me of the long night of passion I had. The man who shared it with me however was nowhere to be found.

I got out of bed, covering myself with the sheets and walking barefoot out of the room. No one was sitting at the table, nor on the couch. I was quick to notice the unbolted door and my heart sank.

He had left without saying good bye.

Crestfallen, I trudged to my room and fell back on bed. The sheets smelled of him and I inhaled them deeply. His scent triggered an impossible yearning in me. The day had barely started yet I already missed him.

I went through the day's motions monotonously, my mind constantly revolving around Liam. After showering, I pulled my trousers on and paired it with a turtle neck that would hide the hickeys he had bestowed on me. Then I had a forlorn breakfast of cereal and milk.

When I grabbed the door keys from the basket, I saw two slips of paper tucked into it. I picked them up with a frown. Upon reading the contents, a sudden grin curved around my lips.

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