Chapter 35

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The place where Qiao's family orders meals is a private kitchen that provides ordering services for the rich in s city.

It uses organically cultivated vegetables picked that day, and fresh and rare ingredients and meats from all over the world.

Coupled with the meticulous preparation of nutritionists and the craftsmanship of top chefs.

While pursuing the ultimate color and taste of each dish, it also pays attention to the nutritional balance and the health impact on the body.

The food delivery staff in white uniforms and red bow ties methodically placed dishes on the dining table. After the silver semicircular insulation top cover was opened, the whole restaurant was filled with enticing fragrance.

Qiao Yang saw that there was an eight-treasure duck that he liked!

When he got up early, he felt sick in his stomach, so he only drank some light vegetable porridge in the morning. Hungry, he was immediately salivated.

Qiao Tiancheng greeted Gu Ye: "Come on, Mr. Gu, let's sit down and talk while eating."

"Yes, Uncle Joe."

Gu Ye is still the gentle and elegant smile of the past, and his decent casual clothes make him not as unattainable as President Gu.

Junlang stood softly in the Qiao family, more like a child of the same age.

The long dining table, Qiao Tiancheng and Qiao Zhen sitting at both ends.

Under Qiao Tiancheng's appointment, Gu Ye sat next to his corner, and next to him was Qiao Jin.

Qiao Yang and Mo Yu sat opposite Gu Ye and Qiao Jin respectively.

Gu Ye asked Qiao Yang: "Are you better?"

Qiao Yang's eyes swept Babao Duck, and answered him: "The fever has gone away early and my stomach feels much better."

And also want to have a good meal.

Qiao Tiancheng happily said, "I heard from Ah Xing that Mr. Gu helped take care of my third child last night, which really caused you trouble."

Gu Ye sat upright and answered politely: "Uncle Qiao is welcome, you can just call me Xiaogu. Qiao Yang and I are neighbors and friends, and we should take care of each other."

Qiao Tiancheng: "Did you see the news today? Thanks to the evidence you have investigated this time, you can solve Qiao's internal and external troubles so quickly."

"I won't say much to thank you. If there is something difficult for Xiao Gu Ruo in the future, please speak to our Qiao family."

Gu Ye: "I also want to give these people a warning to let all those behind who are trying to frame our company know that they will not succeed."

Qiao Tiancheng looked at him with satisfaction and admiration.

This young man has vision and courage!

To entertain Gu Ye, two bottles of red wine were added to the table.

Before the meal, Ah Xing filled everyone's glasses on the table. When he fell to Qiao Yang's side, suddenly five pairs of eyes swept towards him.

Qiao Tiancheng, Qiao Zhen stared dangerously in his eyes. Qiao Jin said silently, Mo Yu looked worried.

But Gu Ye frowned slightly, trying to say something to stop, but it didn't fit his current identity and situation.

Ah Xing was frightened by the look of the five people's eyes, and the red wine bottle almost fell to the ground. He hurriedly stopped the action of pouring Qiao Yang.

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