Chapter 47: Cheng's voice rises eagerly, as if he wants to understand immediatel

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Qiao Yang's cold expression was like that of Leng Jun. Especially the eyes and brow peaks appear sharp and severe, with a domineering momentum.

The man let out a cry, and squeezed the bat in his hands. Watching Qiao Yang's eyes became serious.

The aura before the confrontation sprinted around instantly.

Xie Liang panicked immediately.

Isn't it to solve the problem? Why are there still fights.

A young man is a young man. He just beats when he speaks, and he shouldn't be brought here.

Fortunately, when he came, he brought two security guards just in case. The three immediately took a few steps forward and stood beside Qiao Yang, watching the golf club in the man's hand warily.

The man sneered, and threw the bat on the ground with disdain.

He stroked his arms and fists, moving his hands and feet: "I can't help you send it to the door by yourself. Four of you come together? All right, come on."

Xie Liang couldn't help winking, and persuaded: "No, isn't it here to solve the problem? How can you fight the guest?"

Qiao Yang said faintly: "This is not to meet their grown-up brother. How can I discuss if I don't see anyone?"

Then he asked the man: "If I win against you, will I be able to see Cheng Ge?"

He knows: Such people do not eat hard and soft, and are not afraid of money. He has seen many before.

The man looked at him as if watching a joke: "Meet Cheng? Did you hurt the young master of Qiao's family? You should call the police and call an ambulance?"

Wang Jiaze and the others are anxious: "Young Master Qiao, Young Master Qiao, don't report if you can call the police. It will not affect us well."

Others cried and said, "Forget Qiao Yang. Don't quarrel with them. Let Brother Zhao draw a stick from each of us, and let this end quickly..."

They left the group quickly, wanting to go home soon.

It turned out that the man guarding Wang Jiaze and them was called Zhao Yu.

Brother Cheng, they didn't pay much attention to these young masters. Don't waste time on them at all, go play golf on your own.

Only ordered Zhao Yu to stay here alone to punish these young masters.

Ask them to either kneel down to apologize and videotape. Either everyone gets **** home with a stick.

They were all spoiled and used to raising young masters. They were shocked when they saw the metal iron rods glowing with cold light. The legs would be discounted when this stick was dropped, and no one wanted to be beaten.

But let them kneel down and apologize, leaving a handle that they can't lift their heads for a lifetime, even more reluctant.

The stalemate lasted for almost half an hour. Some people couldn't stand the high-pressure scene. They chose to be beaten like appointment and ended quickly.

Zhao Yu looked at Qiao Yang with a faint smile, "If you are beaten by me for these spineless people, I don't think it's worth it for you."

Qiao Yang frowned and turned his head to warn Wang Jiaze: "Don't make a noise, stay on the sidelines, don't come over."

"Xie Liang, you take them down, I'm fine."

Xie Liang hesitated. After seeing Qiao Yang's firm eyes, he had to retreat to Wang Jiaze and the others with security.

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