Chapter 48: Gu Ye panicked, why did Qiao Yang become indifferent to him?

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Xie Liang sat in the office, carefully checking the situation of the guests staying in the Qingshan Resort tonight.

Suddenly I received a call from the front desk in the lobby: "Manager Xie, a guest who played golf this afternoon said to see the person in charge of our hotel. He is now waiting for you at the front desk."

Xie Liang's heart sank sharply: There were only two groups of guests who reserved the golf course today, and Wang Jiaze and the others left early. Then there is only the guest named Chengge.

What does he ask the person in charge for?

Could it be that Qiao Yang beat his people on the court today, and he ignored it at the time, but now it's autumn to settle the accounts? !

Xie Liang became worried, and he knew that this matter would not end so easily. When I said that Wang Jiaze and the others were released, I felt that things were handled too easily.

It turned out to be waiting here.

Wang Jiaze and the others were guests. After being released, they patted their **** and left. The rest of the responsibility lies with the people in their hotel.

If these people like Cheng make trouble in the hall, the influence will be too great.

He held the phone and said in a low voice, "You will stabilize the guests first, and I will go over immediately. Also, mobilize all the hotel security personnel to guard near the lobby. If you see something wrong, call the police immediately."

After hanging up the phone, he hurried out.

When he reached the first floor, he didn't need the front desk person to lead him. He saw a man sitting on the sofa in the lobby at a glance.

Because this man named Cheng Ge, whether it is temperament or appearance, is an existence that people cannot ignore.

Just sitting on the sofa can make the passing guests look around.

Zhao Yu, who I saw at the stadium in the afternoon, had a strong body and a frightening aura, so he was a little jealous at that time.

But the man in front of him was dressed simply and looked relieved. Leaning on the back of the sofa with a bit of laziness, he calmly looked around the crowd coming and going in the hall.

It doesn't seem to be aggressive, but the careless look also shows that it is defying all strength.

Moreover, five of his men were scattered all over the hall. Some guarded the gate, and some stood in front of the hallways and elevators.

At first glance, it is blocking people.

Fortunately, they all looked calm, and they didn't have the posture of being fierce with golf clubs in their hands.

Xie Liang breathed a sigh of relief, at least not yet affecting other guests.

He met the people at the front desk and nodded vigilantly before walking to Cheng Ge.

With a smile that always greets guests, he asks neither humble nor overbearing: "Excuse me, sir, what can you do with me?"

The man who was sitting on the sofa looking around was pulled over by his voice. He raised his eyes to look at Xie Liang and looked up and down, before speaking slowly:

"I want to talk to the person in charge here, can he come out and meet?"

The man's tone seemed to be discussing, but only if he dared to do such a cruel hand to the young masters like Wang Jiaze, he knew that he was absolutely ordinary.

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