Chapter 54: Suddenly add more

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It is said that Qiao Yang's celebration is actually a family banquet for Qiao's and Liang's family as their relatives to strengthen the relationship.

In addition, even though Liang Wei was in a car accident and Qiao Yang rushed to save his life, the Liang family felt more grateful to the Qiao family.

In order to make the family dinner more lively, Liang Wei's parents also called friends in the circle, as well as their children.

So Qin Man and Wang Jiaze are also there.

At the banquet, Qiao Yang became the protagonist.

Everyone is either joking and congratulating him on the hot search for #最美笑容# today, or complimenting the song he wrote is good, or the elders holding his hand and saying that he is really handsome.

Liang Wei's parents were sincerely grateful to Qiao Yang: "The doctor said that fortunately, it was found in time. If it weren't for Awei, it would be really dangerous. He also said just now that he would personally say thank you when he is discharged from the hospital."

Qiao Yang felt lingering when he thought of this incident, and replied: "Yes, it is best if Brother Liang is fine."

When Wang Jiaze and the others listened to their elders praising Qiao Yang, they no longer hummed their dissatisfaction.

Qin Man dismissed it from the side: "Wang Jiaze, I remember that you are one year older than Qiao Yang. You called your brother so diligent, are you making any bad ideas?"

What Wang Jiaze was taught by the adult brothers, after all, they caused trouble first, and no one dared to complain to his family after returning home.

Especially after they found out who was called the brother in city a, they dared not say a word.

Wang Jiaze personally toasted Qiao Yang and said: "Brother Qiao Yang, don't hesitate to tell me what you have in the future, if you guys can do it, I will definitely do it for you. Come on, let's do this first!"

Qiao Jin was afraid that these **** were deliberately filling Qiaoyang, and stepped forward to grab the glass, "What are you doing? Just drink something meaningful."

Wang Jiaze immediately laughed with doglegs: "I'll do it, Qiao Yang, you are free."

The atmosphere of the family banquet was relaxed and lively, with cheers and laughter, everyone opened their hearts to chat and drink, and they kept taking group photos and posting them to Moments.

Qiao Tiancheng laughed from ear to ear as the people next to him kept praising his child.

He was proud and proud. The youngest son used to be the child who worries him the most. He didn't expect to be so relieved when he was sensible.

Nowadays, not only has the relationship between their three brothers improved, but the family's reputation is getting better and better because of the third.


Xu Weiling had dinner and did a full set of beauty care at home. Then, lying on the sofa in the second half, he took his mobile phone comfortably and started to scan Moments.

As a result, all the posts posted by people in her circle were about the Liang family and Qiao family banquets.

She looked at them one by one, watching the ladies in the circle sit in a circle and laugh.

The young masters and ladies also toasted. Especially Qin Man and Qiao Yang squeezed together and looked intimate.

Her voice was dull: "It doesn't matter if the Qiao family and the Liang family are just married, why do the Wang family and the Qin family go to their family dinner?"

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