Chapter 29: If you are paid, can you let me play this piano?

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Qiao Yang, who was immersed in the sound of nature, heard Gu Ye say that Qiao Tiancheng and the others were coming, and immediately stopped.

What happened?

Why are the whole family here!

He stood up very reluctantly, and finally touched the keys of the crystal piano that shined under the chandelier before closing the lid reluctantly.

Gu Ye saw clearly.

With a smile on the corners of the beautiful lips, he said in a negotiating tone:

"On weekdays, I will get home from get off work at 7 pm. You can come anytime at your time."


Gu Ye joked, "I can't afford to pay for the spiritual counseling done by Master Qiao, I can only invite you to dinner or something else."

As he walked out, Qiao Yang responded to his joke and asked: "If you are paid, can I play this piano at will?"

Gu Ye smiled more deeply: "Of course you can, you can come over anytime."


Qiao Yang didn't close the door after returning home. He and Mo Yu hurriedly cleaned up the slightly messy living room, and soon heard the elevator "dingdong" sound.

Then three men in suits and formal attire appeared at the door of the house.

The three of them are all around 185 in height, coupled with their refined, cool, and noble temperament and extraordinary aura, instantly turned the corridor of European art style into a serious and important business secret negotiation field.

Qiao Yang felt a little uneasy.

He welcomed them into the house and asked, "Dad, big brother, second brother, why are you here?"

Seeing Qiao Yang's good health, Qiao Tiancheng finally breathed a sigh of relief and said strangely: "If you call you, why don't you pick it up? We are afraid that something will happen to you, come and see."

Qiao Yang didn't bring his cell phone when he went to Gu Ye's house. After he returned, he saw Qiao Tiancheng calling him several times.

Because of this, have they all rushed to excite their teachers? And judging by the clothes of the three people, they knew that they rushed over from the company.

He apologized: "I... I didn't bring my mobile phone with me."

The old father looked at him and sighed: "You, I still don't worry about living alone."

Qiao Jin looked indifferent. He came in and looked around at Qiao Yang's decorations and furnishings.

Qiao Zhen followed at the end, without the cold and tough air in the past, and his expression was unnatural.

He glanced at Qiao Yang, coughed slightly nervously, closed his eyes, and said, "...It's okay, you're fine."

Qiao Yang doesn't like restraint, so he wears light and casual at home.

Soft beige sweater, loose and comfortable black pants, standing tall and thin in front of them.

Qingjun's handsome face has a bright smile, like a cheerful and lively big boy.

Think about it again, in fact, this child is just over 23 years old.

Qiao Tiancheng looked at him, his heart getting softer and softer, and his voice also became lighter: "How are have you been alone?"

Qiao Yang answered truthfully: "Very good, really."

Qiao Tiancheng was still worried, and he spoke earnestly and persuaded: "We came here today to persuade you to go home. In the end, we are not at ease if you are alone outside. Moreover, you have everything at home and your life will be more convenient.

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